:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Nigredo
RedSparrows wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:09 pm For people who carp about Labour's 'politics of envy' they sure ain't half bitter about other people having things.
Similarly, for all they whinge about lefty roamer traitors who hate Britain they do far more complaining about the state of the nation than all those yogurt-knitters.
By davidjay
Rosvanian wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 12:32 pm Years ago we got a bloke in to plaster over the artexing in the hall and stair well (ceiling and walls, an awful, messy , back-breaking job). This weary but chipper old geezer rocks up with freshly washed white bib and braces, fag in mouth, copy of the DM under his arm. After a while he took a break (brought his own flask) and we chatted for few minutes, not least about his amusement at Littlejohn's column in the paper that day. Here was the classic, hard working bloke lapping up a Tory paper and the digs about benefits cheats (I paid him cash in hand, of course), immigrants etc, all the usual bollocks about lesser people getting one over on the honest, eternally victimised, hard working man. Tapping into resentment that someone, somewhere is getting the better of YOU reader, is what has made Littlejohn a millionaire.
Didn't Dacre once say that he wanted Mail headlines to make their readers afraid, so that they'd retreat to the past?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ailed.html

Arthur Scargill, Maggie, XR, laugh at the vegans, let's kick some refugees out of a plane, bloody cops picking on Bozza, and much more in an epic display of cuntery.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... omers.html

Today he's a cunt about refugees, the CoE, Nicola Sturgeon, the Met, "the left", public health bodies and ravers.

He's also ambivalent about fly tipping, blaming a recent surge on the caahncil making it impossible for chaps like him, so there's nothing for it but to unload in the lay-by.

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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -plan.html

Sack the civil service en masse and replace them with cheap outsourced workers. Working from home, woke diversity courses, hobnobs, and the usual frantic padding.

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By Nigredo
Youngian wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:50 am
Today, even the upper echelons of the civil service treat Cabinet members with overt contempt.

Why might that be? Doesn’t seem to be a problem for Ben Wallace over at defence at this difficult time.
Similarly, I've been told that whilst his policies on health are very disagreeable, Jeremy Hunt is actually a decent bloke to work under.
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By Andy McDandy
My cousin works for the Home Office. She spends much of her time working through contingency plans for pretty much every situation they can envisage - that's what a lot of the department do. Gaming possible scenarios and coming up with workable, practical and affordable solutions.

And she gets blowback from SpAds whose only performance metric is how much the minister likes them, and from MPs too, from all the parties she's seen in power over the years, who ask the impractical and impossible, and use "it's what the people want!" as justification, as if just wanting something enough makes it suddenly achievable. She fends off journos asking a zillion variants on "Why doesn't someone just do something?".

Fuck it, I think she'd be justified in shoving a few heads down the loo or giving a minister a Chinese burn or two.
Amazonian liked this
By satnav
As far as I understand it the civil servants at the Home Office have raised concerns about spending money on the Rwanda scheme given that the policies has so far not been passed by parliament. This seems to be a reasonable stance given that a number of groups have already questioned the legality of the policy. Whilst the policy may well sail through the house of commons I would have thought it will meet with resistance in the house of lords.

Boris Johnson could well have introduced a policy like this in the run up to the last election even though he didn't have the numbers to get it passed. In that situation would Littlejohn have been happy to see millions of pounds wasted on a policy that was very unlikely to become law.
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By Samanfur
Given that the scheme's being pushed forward under the first ministerial direction in about 30 years, I was wondering how bad the civil service feedback had to be. Especially compared to some of the other tripe we've been served over the last 12 years.
Andy McDandy, Amazonian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
satnav wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 12:24 pm

Boris Johnson could well have introduced a policy like this in the run up to the last election even though he didn't have the numbers to get it passed. In that situation would Littlejohn have been happy to see millions of pounds wasted on a policy that was very unlikely to become law.
Dickie's been known to go down the "let's splash a bit of cash and live a little" route when it's people he likes.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... hines.html

After a little cut and paste job explaining what these newfangled microchips are, Dickie blames WFHers for a shortage of cars, fly tipping, and crime. He then suggests all WFHers be fired, before blaming the EU for Priti Patel's shortcomings in humanity.

Yup, nothing changes on planet cunt.
Amazonian liked this
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:01 am

Yup, nothing changes on planet cunt.
Quote of the day. Sadly true.
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