:sunglasses: 32 % :pray: 16 % :laughing: 36 % :cry: 12 % :🤗 4 %
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By Watchman
Re no NI for self employed; my understanding is that NI is voluntary for this group (if anyone can put me right), so doing away with something they don't necessarily pay is not big deal. If you want to encourage entrepreneurism and start-up, my way of thinking is make it easier to find facilities and workshops (but hey, landlords!), put them in touch with business advisers and banks, intuitions that can support and encourage their ideas
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By Andy McDandy
There's some mystical divide in the NHS between evil managers who strut about and implement diversity policies, and salt of the Earth backroom staff who keep the wheels turning and let the doctors and nurses get on with healing the sick.

In other words, it's bollocks. Get rid of the admin and that means the medical staff have to take it on. Which means more demands on them, and more tasks they're suppose to do, so they qualify for a higher salary....
Malcolm Armsteen, Oboogie, Nigredo and 1 others liked this
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:35 pm There's some mystical divide in the NHS between evil managers who strut about and implement diversity policies, and salt of the Earth backroom staff who keep the wheels turning and let the doctors and nurses get on with healing the sick.

In other words, it's bollocks. Get rid of the admin and that means the medical staff have to take it on. Which means more demands on them, and more tasks they're suppose to do, so they qualify for a higher salary....
You end up with consultant oncologists cancelling appointments.
They're too busy ringing about to trace that delivery of nitrile gloves.
Oboogie liked this
By Rosvanian
And one of the most useless of all. Me and my team are utterly committed to wasting public money and getting the worst possible deal on everything from ward refurbishments, electricity sub stations, CT scanners, uniforms, facilities management services, toilet rolls, cans of pop and orthopaedic implants. In fact the only thing in our trust (as in most others) we don't screw up is pharmacy. They have their own procurement team to ensure they pay £18.35 for a packet of paracetamol. What idiots put THEM in charge of a £50M drugs spend when the matrons could do it so much better is what I'd like to know.
By Bones McCoy
Rosvanian wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:48 pm And one of the most useless of all. Me and my team are utterly committed to wasting public money and getting the worst possible deal on everything from ward refurbishments, electricity sub stations, CT scanners, uniforms, facilities management services, toilet rolls, cans of pop and orthopaedic implants. In fact the only thing in our trust (as in most others) we don't screw up is pharmacy. They have their own procurement team to ensure they pay £18.35 for a packet of paracetamol. What idiots put THEM in charge of a £50M drugs spend when the matrons could do it so much better is what I'd like to know.
I understand that the former member for Surrey Heath has some useful contacts.
By Bones McCoy
mattomac wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:04 am What I got from it was a load of crap policies, some already implemented and thrown together in a document, some moaning about Labour and his wife looking like she really wants to be in California.

Did I miss anything.
There's always that matter of timing.

Silverstone as a venue: symbolising speed, technology, excellence.
Come along, enjoy the noisy racing cars.

Except the place is deserted.
F1 is off on a road trip, no team's home, the place is one big empty echoey shed.

Also Rishi can't do humility.
“I’m not blind to the fact that people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me,”
Weak, weak, weak.
Nothing there to prevent Farage pinching his dinner money.
By slilley
If the clips released by ITV are anything to go by, Sunak’s interview is not the greatest. Using Sky TV as something you went without as a child is not brilliant. Also when he comes in the room and sits down he says D Day overran, and that was after he had left early to do the interview!!

Earlier in the campaign I did ask if he would stay on as leader after the defeat and serve as Leader of the Opposition whilst a successor was chosen, if two recent polls are to be believed, he may not even get the runner up prize that could be won by Ed Davey. If it were just one poll I would not set much store by it but the fact we have now seen two polls saying something similar does make me start to wonder on the scale of the defeat that could be coming.
By Youngian
Using Sky TV as something you went without as a child is not brilliant.
Sunak can be proud of his parents doing a lot of heavy lifting so he didn’t have to. Immigrants risk everything to start again far from home. Sadiq Khan or Diane Abbot happily tell that inspiring family story but it’s a grim reflection of Sunak’s voting base that he doesn’t.
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By Watchman
My family was so poor, but I was considered a suitable match for the daughter of one of the richest family's on the planet.................now that's a real rags to riches story (sarcasm)
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By Andy McDandy
A lot of second and third generation BAME kids went into law, social work and politics because they were already acting as liaisons between their parents/grandparents and officialdom. Being born and brought up in both the UK and the ancestral culture gave them an ability to straddle both. The likes of Abbott can tell a story of determination, obstacles, kicking down barriers and doors and all the rest of it. Sunak's family, like Braverman and Patel's, got the fuck out of Africa in the 1960s with their wealth intact, and were well established in the UK by the time of the mass exilings under Amin. Not quite the rags to riches story.
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