:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:01 pm But they'll stick with him.
Like shit to a blanket.
His predecessor (who appears to be cosplaying as Deanna Troi with that outfit) was particularly scathing. And understandably, she's the only person in the chamber who knows what it means to take those decisions. You don't do it lightly. And for all her faults, you can't imagine her swanning off on holiday as Kabul was 24 hours from falling.

This figure of 5k now, 15k later is a joke. As was said in the chamber, what is one of the 15k supposed to do? "Can you not execute me now? I'm off to Harlow as soon as the paperwork comes through"
I see that Johnson has left the chamber; which other prime ministers would leave the House during a debate such as this?
This is where Starmer's value is - he looked Prime Ministerial today. Johnson obviously did not. Corbyn would equally have hit all the wrong notes in his rush to tell us all about how worthy he was in his past actions (which, as we all know, would have been the same regardless of context).
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By Nigredo
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:20 pm This is where Starmer's value is - he looked Prime Ministerial today. Johnson obviously did not. Corbyn would equally have hit all the wrong notes in his rush to tell us all about how worthy he was in his past actions (which, as we all know, would have been the same regardless of context).
"I have stood against all forms of western imperialism for my entire life"
I think they've found her.
kreuzberger liked this
Boiler wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:49 pm Biden looks to be another one-term President.
He'll recover from this - pulling out is popular in the US, even though the pull-out itself has been botched. And the Republicans will try but they can't make too much hay out of it because everyone has the receipts of Trump boasting that this is his policy and everyone from McConnell downwards supporting it. In the meantime he'll not want this to be his legacy so he may well double down on pushing other parts of his agenda. Will he be 1 term? Who knows. But let's be honest - there are a lot of people 10 years younger who are physically older. Just because he's in his 70s is no reason to assume he won't run.

This is far more damaging for Johnson because of the stark contrasts - he went on holiday as it happened and Raab was on holiday when it happened, while the ambassador to Afghanistan stayed in post to sign paperwork (and Biden - for all his faults on this - hasn't exactly been AWOL). Their mean-spirited approach to overseas aid and asylum for allies vs handouts for themselves and their mates has been exposed and criticised by his own MPs. But above all else it has done the one thing Brexit hasn't so far - show that the UK as a power has declined significantly, notably and almost certainly permanently on his watch. We have fewer allies, less influence and much, much less power, and he caused much of this degradation for his own personal gain. He knows it, a lot of the public know it, a lot of the Tories know it, and he can't answer it with "but the vaccine rollout".

He was pathetic today because he knows he hasn't got any defence and no cover story. They knew it was coming, they did fuck all because they don't care, and they are the absolute worst shower of bastards to have in place to try and fix anything.
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By Boiler
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:20 pm He was pathetic today because he knows he hasn't got any defence and no cover story. They knew it was coming, they did fuck all because they don't care, and they are the absolute worst shower of bastards to have in place to try and fix anything.
And yet - somehow - it still will have no effect upon Johnson's poll ratings or the Tory lead.

This shower make PTFE look like Velcro.
Boiler wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:40 pm
And yet - somehow - it still will have no effect upon Johnson's poll ratings or the Tory lead.

This shower make PTFE look like Velcro.
I dunno - and I don’t say this out of optimism, but more pessimism of what a lot of people see as important. A botched response to covid can be blamed on “others”. The effects of brexit blamed on the EU. But this is Johnson making Britain look weak, admitting as much, and letting down “our boys”. It could have an effect on people who previously have been willing to let practically anything slide because he’s such a legend.
kreuzberger wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:14 pm His base are the "people" who hate Malala Yousafzai. He'll be fine.
Lots of them are like that, and they won't drop him because he doesn't take enough refugees. But the same people probably don't like being humiliated by the Taliban. I'm not sure how he'll come out of it.
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:06 pm
Boiler wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:40 pm
And yet - somehow - it still will have no effect upon Johnson's poll ratings or the Tory lead.

This shower make PTFE look like Velcro.
I dunno - and I don’t say this out of optimism, but more pessimism of what a lot of people see as important. A botched response to covid can be blamed on “others”. The effects of brexit blamed on the EU. But this is Johnson making Britain look weak, admitting as much, and letting down “our boys”. It could have an effect on people who previously have been willing to let practically anything slide because he’s such a legend.
He wasn't very popular on Covid till the vaccine kicked in, ahead of the Europeans, and chimed with Brexit.

But the final score (on the economy and Covid deaths) probably won't look that good for him.
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By Boiler
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:34 pm
Crabcakes wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:06 pm
Boiler wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:40 pm
And yet - somehow - it still will have no effect upon Johnson's poll ratings or the Tory lead.

This shower make PTFE look like Velcro.
I dunno - and I don’t say this out of optimism, but more pessimism of what a lot of people see as important. A botched response to covid can be blamed on “others”. The effects of brexit blamed on the EU. But this is Johnson making Britain look weak, admitting as much, and letting down “our boys”. It could have an effect on people who previously have been willing to let practically anything slide because he’s such a legend.
He wasn't very popular on Covid till the vaccine kicked in, ahead of the Europeans, and chimed with Brexit.

But the final score (on the economy and Covid deaths) probably won't look that good for him.
"They'd have died anyway"

"It's a price worth paying to be free of the sclerotic EU"
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