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By Andy McDandy
Because he stuck it to da man, or something. Threatened to expose all the secrets (What, governments sometimes do dodgy things and act in their own self interest? Well knock me down with a feather!) and that.

So did Qanon, and we rightly think of that as more batshit than a cave floor.
By davidjay
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:00 pm
davidjay wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:08 pm Low hanging fruit...

Still don’t really get this at all. Assange isn’t a “journalist”, he’s a cunt, and an unconvicted sex offender.
I’m as much in favour of whistle-blowing as the next comrade, but I can’t quite see why this chancer is accorded sacred hero status by the crank left.
Same as with all conspiracy theorists - they want to think they're clever enough to see through what we're being told.
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By Nigredo
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:00 pm
davidjay wrote: Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:08 pm Low hanging fruit...

Still don’t really get this at all. Assange isn’t a “journalist”, he’s a cunt, and an unconvicted sex offender.
I’m as much in favour of whistle-blowing as the next comrade, but I can’t quite see why this chancer is accorded sacred hero status by the crank left.
Because he tried to upset the western imperialist order by airing its dirty laundry, it becomes a one track mind to these zealots. Similarly, Noam Chomsky's opinions are still afforded weight even with his recent streak of terrible takes on the Ukraine crisis, and Russian interference with western democracies as a whole.
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By Crabcakes
Cyclist wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:26 pm I'm so worthy

Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, has teamed up with direct action campaigners to form a new “red/green” climate and social justice movement which aims to stage a “major wave of popular mass action” later this year.

Corbyn’s Peace and Justice Project, which he set up in 2021, is joining forces with Just Stop Oil campaigners who have staged a series of disruptive climate actions over the past six months.

The new movement – which also includes trade unionists, civil society organisations and leftwing activists – argues that the current “destructive economic model” is the root cause of the cost of living crisis as well as the climate crisis...

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... t-stop-oil

A date for your diary

The new campaign, called We All Want to Just Stop Oil, says it will stage its first major action – a march in central London – on Saturday 23 July.
No matter what the cause, the only action he *ever* takes is going on a march and giving a speech (broadly the same speech at that) to a crowd of the already converted. He’s got about as much range as a World War 1 tactician.

Never mind oil - has anyone ever assessed how damaging the amount of hot air he puts out is?
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By Crabcakes
Amazing. Describing a book by a guy who lost his seat as an independent (so no personal popularity - indeed he came dead last) after losing the party whip for defending very obvious antisemitic activity and those who perpetrated it, who’s mate (when in charge) repeatedly let him off, as ‘a necessary corrective history for British audiences’ absolutely screams of contempt for anyone who dares have a different opinion. No matter he couldn’t find supporters. No matter his patron’s manifesto was roundly rejected. No matter the people he has shown support for have been exposed repeatedly as at best holding questionable views. It’s you who are wrong.

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By Malcolm Armsteen
I can imagine Corbyn putting himself up without doing the detail. I wonder who the 'sources' close to him are? His idiot son?
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