:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
I wonder if Sajid Javid would consider I'm cowering. I'm not doing all that much "normal" stuff, I suppose. Haven't been to London in ages, and miss that a lot. It just strikes me there's a lot of Covid about, and even if I'm double vaxed. other people can probably do without me taking up space so that they can't socially distance as they'd like. I can happily wait a while till the situation is better, thanks.
I'm 34 weeks pregnant, already had an underlying health condition, and I got my second vaccination almost exactly two weeks ago. If I'm cowering at the moment, then I'm not going to apologise to the likes of Javid for it.
Talked about this with NHS friends, who all said that to a degree, we've been conditioned to think of pandemics in terms of The Stand, or Survivors, or 28 Days Later. People falling down dead in the streets, looting, collapse of law and order, mass evacuation of cities and so on. Because that didn't happen, and most deaths have occurred behind closed doors, there is the sense that it's not that serious.

One also said that the twats in Trafalgar square were likely the same twats standing on Westminster bridge last year, clapping for the cameras. Lookit me, I'm young and metropolitan.
Spoonman, mattomac liked this
A letter to the Swindon Advertiser:

As I have registered for a postal vote, I recently received a ballot paper for the next Police Commissioner election on 19th August.

It is being re-run at enormous expense because the Conservative candidate in May was ineligible. We are to fund about £1.5 million for this re-election when the Conservative party were aware the candidate should not have stood.

Surely they should therefore foot the bill? I was horrified to see that one of the mainstream parties has adapted its name to include an electioneering slogan on the ballot paper!

Exactly as your article (August 5) described and which your correspondent rightly said was out-of-order.Your article says it is “within the rules”. That’s as maybe, but is not right. It is nothing less than an attempt to compromise the impartiality of the electoral process itself.

The politicians said much the same when they were caught out making inflated and suspect claims for their expenses. That they were “within the rules” Well, the rules were not strong enough and public anger made them think again.

I hope that anyone reading this and seeing the ballot paper for themselves will vote against the perpetrators the Conservatives - of such blatant trickery.

How can this behaviour be acceptable from a potential Police Crime Commissioner?

https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/new ... ervatives/
Why am I not surprised?
I don't know this development. But "stop it, the kids who live there will have somewhere to play downstairs" isn't the best argument against it.

Famously no tall buildings are allowed near churches in London. Anyway, though St Thomas was designed by Pugin with a very nice interior, it's not like a Wren church in the City.

As a friend of ours noted on Twitter, MI5 or 6 had a word...
kreuzberger liked this
The thought has just occurred to me too that the Palace has to, at least as a matter of protocol, approve ministerial appointments. That would throw this into a whole new light.

Now, we all know that Johnson doesn't give a flying fuck about either protocol or ministers' relationships with foreign entities - benign or otherwise - but there are still a few establishment figures and institutions for whom certain things are beyond the pale.

Depending upon Sunday's papers and whatever sniffs they have had of the back story, this could prove extremely challenging for the Fat Twat.
Did I read something about Vacant giving a senior PR job to a former bigwig from the so called Taxpayers Alliance
You did.
Red squirrels to be exterminated to make way for property developers. That’s probably an exaggeration but put it out there anyway.
Legal protections for wildlife and plants in the UK are set for a review that could result in some important species losing their entitlement to sp ecial status, ecology experts have told the Guardian.
Adders, slow worms, water voles, mountain hares, pine martens and red squirrels are among the species experts have warned could be affected, after unexpected changes to the government’s review process that will raise the bar on how rare and under threat an animal needs to be to gain legal safeguards.
The changes, which have not been widely heralded by the government, could benefit property developers and infrastructure projects such as road-building, which currently have to take account of rare species found within the proposed development areas, and sometimes have to be changed or moved as a result.
https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... ay-experts
Youngian wrote: Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:30 pm Red squirrels to be exterminated to make way for property developers. That’s probably an exaggeration but put it out there anyway.
Legal protections for wildlife and plants in the UK are set for a review that could result in some important species losing their entitlement to sp ecial status, ecology experts have told the Guardian.
Adders, slow worms, water voles, mountain hares, pine martens and red squirrels are among the species experts have warned could be affected, after unexpected changes to the government’s review process that will raise the bar on how rare and under threat an animal needs to be to gain legal safeguards.
The changes, which have not been widely heralded by the government, could benefit property developers and infrastructure projects such as road-building, which currently have to take account of rare species found within the proposed development areas, and sometimes have to be changed or moved as a result.
https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... ay-experts
When your culture culture war team turns against he RNLI and Red Squirrels, it's time to review the small print.
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