Badenoch studied A Levels in biology, chemistry and maths,[23] from Phoenix College, a further education college in Morden, South London. She achieved a B in Biology, a B in Chemistry and a D in Maths,[24] claiming that "no one at the school had pushed [her] to fulfil [her] potential" despite being a "straight A student" while in Nigeria and that being let down by the British education system pushed her to become a Conservative.[25] She consequently missed out on her place at Warwick University.
2 things here:
1. Is this the sort of “pushing” that mums and dads can do in certain countries where large bundles of cash are pushed across a table in an envelope, and the student then miraculously improves?
2. Delighted she didn’t get in to the nearest university to where I now live and thus taint the area by association with her general awfulness
Also interesting that she assumes her potential was anything notably higher than she managed, given that - based on her abilities as LOTO and an MP in general - she seems to make mediocrity appear to be a level she’d struggle to obtain.