:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
I'm sitting here having listened to it, and I'm looking like the audience at the opening night of Springtime for Hitler.

Who the fuck thinks this is a good idea? Anyone with brains or taste will hate it, while the gammon will hate the "many races" theme.

And it's shit.
Oboogie liked this
Springtime for Spaffer (Perhaps).

On other news "White working class left behind" has been leading on BBC radio all day.
With a chorus of characters who'd b more at home on GB News invited to amplify the message.

Of course, the problem is nothing to do with the party who've been in charge, and all down to "them".
I warrant this song will crash and burn like any other number of gammon bollocks over the years, this astroturfing/top heavy shite never works. But the message will never be heard, they'll keep thinking it's some glorious jape with a serious core, and blaming anything else but their own conceits.
A councillor who told colleagues he would attend a meeting despite believing he had tested positive for Covid-19 has apologised.

Tory Marc Asquith emailed Cheshire East councillors on Monday to say he would not be self-isolating and would attend the following day's meeting.

The Conservatives said he was "instructed" not to attend. Labour said his decision was "incredible"...

...In his email to his fellow councillors, the Chelford member said: "I appear to have tested positive for Covid-19 this evening."

However, he said that as he had "had the two jabs, I am not concerned", adding that he planned "to attend tomorrow as required" and recommending that any councillor who was shielding should keep "social distancing from me"...

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-m ... r-57571142

Turns out he had mis-read the test result, but the intent was there.

"had the two jabs, I am not concerned"

Typical Tory " Fuck you, Jack. I'm alright" attitude.
I wonder who was really behind it. Quite possibly some dopey church school head, but who's behind them?
There's a definite smell of astroturf coming off it, isn't there?

EDIT: The BBC's attributing the OBON campaign to a retired police officer in Bradford.

The DfE seems to be lukewarm about the whole thing, but apparently 'the government' is getting behind it and pushing. Which definitely sounds as though somebody's hijacking the idea.
It wasn't that long ago that it was a generally British notion to take the piss out of other countries that sought to similarly compel its own citizens to engage in such forced nationalism.
Samanfur wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:51 pm There's a definite smell of astroturf coming off it, isn't there?

EDIT: The BBC's attributing the OBON campaign to a retired police officer in Bradford.

The DfE seems to be lukewarm about the whole thing, but apparently 'the government' is getting behind it and pushing. Which definitely sounds as though somebody's hijacking the idea.
Even the Speke yore branes crowd are coming out against this bastard English adoptee spawned from Juche and ACR.
Kash Singh was interviewed on PM and I actually ended up feeling a bit sorry for him. From an immigrant background, he's worked his way up from the bottom and is grateful for the opportunities this country provided him and he wanted to promote that. I smelt no gammon about him.
Sounds like his idea has been hijacked by the government and turned into something it was never intended to be.
Oboogie wrote: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:55 pm Kash Singh was interviewed on PM and I actually ended up feeling a bit sorry for him. From an immigrant background, he's worked his way up from the bottom and is grateful for the opportunities this country provided him and he wanted to promote that. I smelt no gammon about him.
Sounds like his idea has been hijacked by the government and turned into something it was never intended to be.
There's a name for when that happens: "Useful something or other".
I saw him interviewed. I think that ‘idiot’ is the correct technical term.

Williamson’s motives are, however, quite sinister.
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