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By kreuzberger
That Walters bollocks (sic) is just doubling down on the "weird" which, clearly, has really taken root.

It's highly conceivable that that has chimed loudly with the Tiktok audience while the very dismantling of democracy weighs hard with more reflective voters. Nonetheless, it can only maintain its momentum for a few days.

What comes next? The Democrats still haven't gone to town (or Lolita Island) with Trump's history of child sex abuse.
By Bones McCoy
Weird fits well, and it applies across the international populist movement.

1. They want to inspect your children's genitals to ensure they're attending the right toilet / drama class / darts contest.
1a. Take a guess what types will apply for the juvenile willy inspector jobs.

2. They want your daughters (They know because they inspected their genitals) to forget that career and personal fulfillment life in order to produce more children.

3. More children, even those produced through abuse or incest must be carries to term and raised by their biological mothers.
3a. But "fuck that slag" when the subject of state assitance for single parents is raised.
3b. After all, we wouldn't want to see layoffs in our valued juvenile willy inspector industry.

4. Intrusion into bedrooms, ensuring sex is done properly with the right numbers of people using the right appendages / orifices in approved positions.
4a. Without recourse to family planning methods, because kids and juvenile willy inspectors.

Nothing to see here, nothing weird at all.
Spoonman liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
satnav wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:11 pm CBS are now pointing out that the sketch in the opening ceremony wasn't actually mocking the last supper.

But I'm surely the easily offended will still continue to claim that they were mocking Christians.
I think the official account made this clear at the time.
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By Andy McDandy
Iain Banks once described a minor character in one of his novels as being from a society/subculture that had no metric of success beyond a) knocking out kids, and b) knocking out your woman if you suspected her of anything. That's the only way they can express their masculinity.

I suspect that on a larger level, a lot of the mentality we see from predominantly white straight men is based on the gnawing realisation that unless they rig the system, they're fucked. Because having profited from societal bias in their favour for so long, they made it necessary for anyone outside their demographic to have to try harder, and generally be better, than them. The upshot being that when the playing field gets a bit more level, they're seriously fucked by their complacency.
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By Abernathy
I watched a programme on BBC4 last night about a guy called Roger Stone, recently an advisor to Trump, but with a long history of right-wing disgustingness.

What a massive, massive CUNT. I mean, MASSIVE.

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By Crabcakes
Biden really is the GOAT. He was negotiating the release of a WSJ journalist, and finalising the prisoner exchange, while he had Covid and while the WSJ was running stories about why he should step down because of cognitive decline. And an hour later he did step down, but only once he had got everything in place to ensure Kamala Harris would be the nominee. And then he capped the announcement of their final release today with a mic drop at Trump’s expense.

He may only serve 1 term, but Christ alive what a legacy.
Oboogie, Arrowhead liked this
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