The Weeping Angel wrote: ↑Mon Feb 10, 2025 9:09 pm
Except it wasn't just racists who were into eugenics plenty of left-wing people were into it as well and no just because they didn't want the poor to have kids it doesn't make it alright in fact in many ways it makes it worse.
Being left wing and being racist aren’t mutually exclusive for one thing (see: fans of J. Corbyn). And for another, plenty of figures from history who we would consider left wing and/or progressive for their time would be what we would consider outrageously racist today so could easily have been both.
But this isn’t a discussion about eugenics, and I don’t know why you keep coming out with this “right side of history” stuff. It’s not some questionable, arcane social engineering issue, it’s a simple situation that a marginalised minority group would like to be listened to and respected in the choices they make about their own lives.
The concern - indeed, your concern - seems to be that some trans people and activists have been too forthright about demanding this. But then on the other hand you have famous, rich and powerful people labelling them as paedophiles, perverts, mentally ill, wannabe rapists, sporting cheats who just want to beat women and so on, and taking active steps to remove them from society. Do you think that might bug people who, for the vast majority of this small group, just want to live the life they feel is right for them and receive relevant healthcare (if they choose to) without being constantly labelled as criminals or freaks?
And do you notice a pattern? It’s almost always trans women that are the issue. Never trans men. And the simple reason why is it is far easier for a trans man to pass - they take testosterone, grow a beard, put on muscle. Some trans women though may have much more of an issue looking feminine enough, and I’m convinced it’s this laughably juvenile “eww!” factor that upsets people like Rowling and Linehan so much - because what they always have in mind is a big burly bearded bloke with lipstick on, sat in a changing room leering at people from behind a curtain, and that’s what they see for anyone even remotely not fitting their template. It’s why they have an issue with masculine-featured cis women, and why anti-trans wankers always come out with “we can tell”. It’s designed to intimidate people into hiding and being ashamed for the *viewer’s* comfort. And it is cowardly and pathetic.
And as a stereotype, the hulk in lipstick is as inaccurate, dated and stereotypical as depicting all gay men like Boris Johnson’s tank-topped bum boys bullshit. And you know who also used to be labelled as paedos and perverts and made to feel ashamed? Gay people. Do you think Stonewall or repealing article 28 is “the wrong side of history”? Because a hell of a lot of people did, and it turned out they were just fearful, backwards old gammons and none of their prophecies of doom came to pass.
The oft-cited fear of men in women’s places is frankly absurd too, because men who want to abuse women and children don’t need special permission to be monsters. They don’t need to pretend to be trans and dress up. Instead, they’re hiding in plain sight as priests, or youth leaders, or tv stars, or politicians (often right wing, but not exclusively so). But rather than tackle actual issues in society that lead men to behave this way and let men get away with it, let’s just focus on some boogey(wo)man and recycle all the shit from the 70s and 80s that LGB people went through.
It’s all so very fucking tiresome.