:sunglasses: 25.4 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 38.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.7 % :🤗 6.3 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Yug
Who could have guessed that if you re-invent yourselves as the brain-dead toxic racist Party, when you get booted out of office prospective employers wouldn't want to even be in the same county as you?

Fucked around and found out. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Abernathy
At least Walker, if I recall correctly, had enough decency to protest at the height of the Truss debacle.

As for Gullis :
“I’ve applied for a few jobs and sadly not even had an interview yet,” he said in a radio interview in September.

“So actually, I think the days when being an ex-MP was something that was wanted or desired are no longer as I think we’re now seen as a problem. And so that’s a challenge.”

Asked if he thought that was due to his politics, he said: “When I left the profession to enter parliament I felt being a Conservative was something that was treated with disdain.”

The very definition of schadenfreude.

He thought being a Tory was regarded disdainfully when he stood for election? What the fuck does he think his reputation is now he’s been booted out? There’s a Trussian lack of self-awareness there. It isn’t ex-MPS in general that are seen as “a problem”. It’s just dimwitted venal wankers like him.
Last edited by Abernathy on Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Having seen and heard Gullis performing, what school would want him? He's supposed to be an RE teacher FFS!
mattomac, Dalem Lake liked this
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By Watchman
Gullis with the deluded belief that being an ex-MP was something prospective employers looked favourably upon, that may work for the more “traditional” Tory who has the contacts and old boy network to fall back on, but for a gobshite, it’s not so useful.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
He wouldn't. He'd call someone like me in to do it for him...

I have known many Gullises...
By Youngian
Can be tough in the jobs market for ex MPs as there's an assumption they want to return to parliament. Some tie themselves over by bagging a council seat but it's unlikely Gullis will get another shot at winning a Tory seat. He could defect to Reform where even a fucking moron like Andrea Jenkyn is let loose with a mayoralty candidacy
By satnav
I think the problem for Gullis is that RE has slowly disappeared from the curriculum in the last 10 years mostly as a result of his own party's education policy. Schools are now completely obsessed with GCSE results and RE has never been a very popular GCSE so it has been down graded in many schools.

About 10 years ago my son did half a GCSE in RE which basically meant all Year 10 and 11 students did one hour of RE a week and then they could opt to take the GCSE at the end of the year. Lower down in the school most students did RE for half of the year and Computer Science for the other half of the year just so that the school could say that RE was being taught at Key Stage 3.

Now all students have one lesson of 'Life' a week which combines RE with other stuff such as Citizenship and Sex education.

The one good bit of good news for Gullis is that the academy chain I work for are planning to re-introduce RE if they are able to extend the school day to squeeze in 5 extra lessons a week. But then again I'm not sure he would cope teaching 6 lessons a day.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
The problem for Gullis is that he is an utter shit.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Sir Jake Berry.

https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/li ... n-30820911
Mr Berry - who previously held ministerial positions - said: "The Southport attack trial starts today—and of course, it's overshadowed by Trump’s inauguration. This is a calculated and cynical move by the Labour Government to 'bury bad news' behind international headlines."
Who knew the Government set dates for criminal trials? They don't. Thank God he lost his seat.
By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:52 pm Sir Jake Berry.

https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/li ... n-30820911
Mr Berry - who previously held ministerial positions - said: "The Southport attack trial starts today—and of course, it's overshadowed by Trump’s inauguration. This is a calculated and cynical move by the Labour Government to 'bury bad news' behind international headlines."
Who knew the Government set dates for criminal trials? They don't. Thank God he lost his seat.
These fuckers don't care about lying or doing harm.

His message will play well with the next cohort of rioters, and daddy Elmo over the pond.
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By kreuzberger
Cleverly may be performatively stupid, but he not a man without a modicum of wit, grace, or intelligence, even.

I am sure that, deep down, he feels that optimistic glow every time he sees the manifestation of renewable energy and a potentially liveable future. Why does he do this to himself, just for the sake of a few glottal votes?
mattomac liked this
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