:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
America whispers sweet nothings in your ear and gives you chocolates and nylons. As a character in a Neil Gaiman story once memorably put it, you can have a sore bum and a Mars bar, or concussion and a really sore bum.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... g-now.html

Oh my God. Littlecock 'remembers' the seventies. Wheeltappers and Shunters...
And despite some of the material which today would have the club raided by police and Manning banged up for 'hate crime', there was an innocence about it.
Ah yes, the 'innocence' of not giving a fuck. Meanwhile, proper binmen.
Back then strikes by dustmen left rubbish piled up in the streets. When they were working, though, the bins were emptied at least once a week.
Drag queens were just entertainers in those days. Not like today when they're all over popular TV and doing events entertaining people. It was all very racist and sexist, but nobody called you out on it. Kids didn't play on the Internet because it hadn't been fucking invented yet. It were shit, but it were our shit and we didn't have to share it with nobody.
Before the usual suspects start bouncing up and down, I'm not defending some of the attitudes of the past.
Yes you fucking are. And 'some of'? Fuck off.

Finally, hooray for Thatcher and north sea oil. Clueless cunt.
By Youngian
Littlejohn should see a specialisit about his false memory syndrome. No racist material or bad language from Manning, not even 'banter' with black acts. Boy, tram bell compere Colin Crompton was a fucking awful act.
There was a lot of tabloid pictures of a bin strike among one or two local authorities in 1978, so probably another false memory.
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By Crabcakes
There wasn’t an innocence about it. They just kept all the worst stuff out of the film. You fucking *know* Manning would have been making horrifying jokes about the three degrees or any other black act, or any female act, when the cameras were off. And he did that because he was a bigoted old wanker who never even attempted to move with the times. It was “just harmless jokes” in his fucking horrible club, but significantly less funny when a pissed up bunch of lads decide to have a fight with a black guy they saw on the way home.

Utterly unrelated, but I was watching a true crime thing the other day where a woman took no responsibility for her husband beating a kid to death with a baseball bat because “she didn’t do it”. She was there, and she shouted at him to do it, but because she didn’t swing the bat she thinks she should have been tried for murder (US rules). I mention it because it’s the exact same energy I always saw with interviews with Manning - no sense of responsibility, no sense of concern about what he might be propagating. And that’s why I never bought the “just a joke” thing - because with him, it was laughing at and punching down. Only he left the punching to others and then pretended it was nowt to do with him.
By Youngian
There wasn’t an innocence about it. They just kept all the worst stuff out of the film. You fucking *know* Manning would have been making horrifying jokes about the three degrees or any other black act, or any female act, when the cameras were off.

Don't doubt it but its a myth that TV stations didn’t have standards against racism and misogyny pre-Ben Elton on Ch4.
By Youngian
Politicians don't like to talk about the overwhelming source of illegal immigrants; people who enter legally and overstay on their visas. If they did than tightening up internal security would be on the political agenda. How would Littlejohn and his readers feel about walking the walk by having to carry and produce a biometric ID card at every corner in order to marginalise illegals? (So word gets out that you can't function in the UK off the books).
Last edited by Youngian on Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Abernathy liked this
By davidjay
Youngian wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 9:42 am Politicians don't like to talk about the overwhelming source of illegal immigrants; people who enter legally and overstay on their visas. If they did than tightening up internal security would be on the political agenda. How would Littlejohn and his readers feel about walking the walk and having to carry and produce a biometric ID card at every corner in order to marginalise illegals? (So word gets out that you can't function in the UK off the books).
And the biggest source of overstayers - Australia and South America.
By Rosvanian
Youngian wrote:Politicians don't like to talk about the overwhelming source of illegal immigrants; people who enter legally and overstay on their visas. If they did than tightening up internal security would be on the political agenda. How would Littlejohn and his readers feel about walking the walk and having to carry and produce a biometric ID card at every corner in order to marginalise illegals? (So word gets out that you can't function in the UK off the books).
I've got a feeling he and all who share his world view would be just fine with that. Their hatred is so pure and their need to see the people they hate suffer would make it more than worth it.
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