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By The Weeping Angel
Crabcakes wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:26 pm It is also stupid, given it’s supposed to imply someone boring. But the chancellor being ‘from accounts’ would quite obviously be a good thing - as opposed to, say, someone with fuck-all experience with money just there because they weren’t tainted by scandal.
it's based on claims that Reeves lied on her CV and she's not really an economist and therefore has no right to increase taxes.
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By Abernathy
kreuzberger wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:25 pm This "Rachel from Accounts" shit has to stop. It is misogyny on steroids.
I think it's something just dreamed up by Johnson, is it not?

It's yet another thing that he has in common (it's a long list) with Trump - a propensity to invent unfunny "amusing" insulting nicknames ("Sleepy Joe", "Gavin Newscum", etc) for his political opponents. It's fucking school playground stuff.
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By Tubby Isaacs
There has, among economic writers anyway, been some decent "don't panic" articles and pointing out that the rises are international (unlike Liz Truss). The twat left are predictably being twats, with "more austerity" talk, which is completely false. Richard Murphy, after years of fuck it, just spend what you want, now reckons he's spotted a rightwing City coup. I think the best one though is some chap BTL on the Guardian. Just tell the markets we're only paying 2%.
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By Andy McDandy
Abernathy wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:03 am
kreuzberger wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 9:25 pm This "Rachel from Accounts" shit has to stop. It is misogyny on steroids.
I think it's something just dreamed up by Johnson, is it not?

It's yet another thing that he has in common (it's a long list) with Trump - a propensity to invent unfunny "amusing" insulting nicknames ("Sleepy Joe", "Gavin Newscum", etc) for his political opponents. It's fucking school playground stuff.
Lee Anderson apparently, and gleefully adopted by Littlejohn.
By mattomac
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 1:36 pm I'm rather mystified by the comparison to the 70s. Inflation is 2.8%, not 25% percent. Or even 9.5% (under Mrs Thatcher in 1990).
People are worse off now than then when equality was at its lowest, of course whose fault is that?

14 years of low wages, later high inflation and austerity. Of course even then it’s not that comparable.
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By kreuzberger
Labour and treasury comms, in particular, need to get a hold of this.

That Ming vase turned out to be a bucket of shit, filled to the brim with at least 22 billion quids' worth of tory deceit, lies, and fraud which would have caused untold financial reputational and structural damage had they limped to victory in July.

Do people have any idea what 22 billion quid actually means? That's the first question that "Rachel from Accounts" should be firing back at the erstwhile lettuce fans who pose as journalists.
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By Abernathy
The Weeping Angel wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 8:06 pm Yep there is speculation that she will be replaced by Pat Mcfadden who is described as the de facto deputy PM despite the fact we have an actual very good deputy PM.
That won’t be happening. But I’m not betting you 40 quid again. Pat is extraordinarily capable, but he’s much more valuable in his current role.
By mattomac
At this point I just don’t see the point.

I was bored and looked at the world gilt market and frankly the reaction to it seems to suggest a lot of political jostling and less actual information. Unless Pat McFadden can transfer us into a future where the Democrats have somehow taken over the White House and Trump, Putin, Musk and others are dead.
By davidjay
mattomac wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:56 pm At this point I just don’t see the point.

I was bored and looked at the world gilt market and frankly the reaction to it seems to suggest a lot of political jostling and less actual information. Unless Pat McFadden can transfer us into a future where the Democrats have somehow taken over the White House and Trump, Putin, Musk and others are dead.
Seems okay to me.
By mattomac
davidjay wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:30 am
mattomac wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:56 pm At this point I just don’t see the point.

I was bored and looked at the world gilt market and frankly the reaction to it seems to suggest a lot of political jostling and less actual information. Unless Pat McFadden can transfer us into a future where the Democrats have somehow taken over the White House and Trump, Putin, Musk and others are dead.
Seems okay to me.
Yeah but the possibility of Pat McFadden doing that unless he discovers the ablity to switch to another multiverse is a bit impossible.
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