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By Tubby Isaacs
The Weeping Angel wrote: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:59 pm
Tubbs you heard about the latest in North Carolina?
Robinson is fucked, but I'll bite your hand off for that presidential result. Got a horrible feeling that there could be a lot of ticket splitting which will get Trump pver the line.

Meanwhile, actual US Representative speaks.

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By Crabcakes
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:20 pm Image

And a Diet Coke.
I will guarantee you 2 things about this couple of planetoids:

1. They go hunting
2. They present their being able to shoot a deer from a comfy chair within a hide using a high-powered rifle with a telescopic sight as evidence of their bravery, cunning, strength and virility, rather than it being the ultimate expression of pathetic cowardice.
lambswool liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:43 pm It may well be. Most people who own guns don't look like that.
True. Some of them are women.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I've been to Texas lots of times and I can't remember any old people walking round in military surplus gear. I imagine that, like here, it's more of an alternative young person look than a gun nut look. I don't know if gun nuts even see themselves as being particularly military. The point is that guns are completely normalised in these states.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
One of the rationales for the extreme interpretation of the Second Amendment is to defeat an overmighty government/ruler, which many guncunts see as existing in any form of federal government. So they are preparing for the war of liberation. In some cases explicitly*.

(Wouldn't last 30 seconds against the 101st Airborne...)

*See also survivalists.
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By Tubby Isaacs
There are I think two levels of justification to gun nuttery. At the legal level, it's "originalism", which is absurd but provides a pseudo-intellectual gloss. And at the level of the Republican base, it's a vague (and contradictory) sense of freedom, leave me alone etc.

I don't think "shoot the Government" or "let's alll move to Idaho and prepare for the apocalypse" are very important, even among Southern Baptist Republicans who are the most pro-gun. Their lives are not particularly different to the minority of white Democrats who live in their countryside and small towns. Getting ready for war isn't a thing most of them worry about.

For one thing, these people aren't stupid. They get that they'd be shot to pieces by the real US Army if they tried it.
By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:34 pm There are I think two levels of justification to gun nuttery. At the legal level, it's "originalism", which is absurd but provides a pseudo-intellectual gloss. And at the level of the Republican base, it's a vague (and contradictory) sense of freedom, leave me alone etc.

I don't think "shoot the Government" or "let's alll move to Idaho and prepare for the apocalypse" are very important, even among Southern Baptist Republicans who are the most pro-gun. Their lives are not particularly different to the minority of white Democrats who live in their countryside and small towns. Getting ready for war isn't a thing most of them worry about.

For one thing, these people aren't stupid. They get that they'd be shot to pieces by the real US Army if they tried it.
The ones on Forums seem convinced that "The military wont open fire on their own, they'll change sides and support us".

Meanwhile Obama and Biden are the real traitors.
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