:sunglasses: 28.6 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 32.1 % :cry: 25 %
By mattomac
If his polling numbers don’t go up do you think they will have a 3rd or 4th attempt.

I hate to be all conspiracy but why are people getting closer than any previous candidate since Joe Kennedy considering he hasn’t particularly gone out of his way to meet people. All his rallies are staged and surely policied well.
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By Crabcakes
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:28 am Who on Earth uses an AK47 - an assault rifle designed for spraying targets at close range - for a 400 yard sniping job?
Someone who’s been paid a few quid to give a desperate man a poll bump
Watchman, Andy McDandy, Samanfur and 4 others liked this
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By Abernathy
What strikes me about this alleged “second assassination attempt” is the level of shoulder-shrugging near acceptance of what is a very serious incident. Not quite on the part of Kamala Harris, who has issued the expected/ required public condemnation of political violence, though one suspects that neither she nor Joe Biden would be entirely heartbroken should Trump’s cranium eventually meet the same fate as that of JFK. To be expected, one surmises, in a country in which the level of gun ownership is at or beyond saturation point and mass killings of innocents with automatic weapons seem to be more or less a monthly occurrence.

And once again Trump survives, though this time with both ears intact, to falsely accuse his critics and opponents of promoting the kind of climate that makes attempts on his life more likely, and of being the “danger to democracy” that in reality he himself embodies.

Is it any wonder that this second attempt on Trump’s life (in fact the alleged would-be assassin did not even fire a shot) immediately has generated suspicion of being a put-up job, staged to give Trump another poll boost following his arse-kicking from Harris?

I generally give conspiracy theories short shrift, and the Pennsylvania shooting match on Trump seemed not credibly to have been a deliberate inside job- but now ?

There are many things that you would not put it past Donald Trump to do, and on this occasion, this is one. Trump is a desperate man, fighting for the presidency not because he especially wants to be president again (though he does), but principally to keep himself out of gaol and give himself pardons from the convictions he has already accrued, and a long queue of criminal charges poised to be levied on him.

This is for the USA and the wider world, an unprecedented and unique situation. We can but hope and trust that after 5 November, Trump will be gone for good.
Last edited by Abernathy on Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:04 pm I don't think Trump's going to go, even if he loses badly.

What do you mean by put up job? The gunman's going to be off to jail for an extremely long time. Why would anyone agree to that?
So far the changes seem to relate to gun ownership misdemeanours rather than attempt murder, which makes them sound not as serious
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By Abernathy
The point is that this incident affords the Trump campaign the space and time to develop the “martyr” narrative that says Trump is special, spared by God and somehow destined to lead America back to “greatness”.

It’s bollocks, of course, but there are literally millions of gullible Murrikan fuckwits out there who will buy it. And as I say, Trump is desperate.
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By Tubby Isaacs
That's not the same thing as it being a put up job.

Those gullible fuckwits are already supporting Trump. Actually nearly getting assassinated hasn't helped him much. Why are floating voters going to be turned out for him by somebody getting arrested with a gun and stopped by the Secret Service?
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