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By Crabcakes
He was getting raked over in the press room afterwards, throwing out absolute horse shit like he’s 90% ahead in the polls and getting picked up on it.

I dunno how long it’ll last, but the media’s shark tendencies when they smell blood in the water seemed to kick in and override their usual owner-mandated kid gloves approach. Even Fox had people on saying it was a disaster (though they were of course blaming his prep team - which is like blaming your pet groomer when you enter a dead llama you fished out of a ditch into crufts and it doesn’t win)
Oboogie, Arrowhead liked this
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By Andy McDandy
BBC said that he was repeatedly rising to the bait Harris offered up. If he'd stuck to "I have a plan and it'll be paid for by these tariffs", it would have been dull but he might have managed it. Instead we got surly grandad at Thanksgiving/Christmas wittering on about any old shit.
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By Crabcakes
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:34 am BBC said that he was repeatedly rising to the bait Harris offered up. If he'd stuck to "I have a plan and it'll be paid for by these tariffs", it would have been dull but he might have managed it. Instead we got surly grandad at Thanksgiving/Christmas wittering on about any old shit.
And of course not being able to stick to a plan and getting baited is exactly how he’d be back in office. Harris was good on that by reminding everyone how very fucking exhausting it was with him in charge. Another 4 years of waking up every day worrying about what bullshit he’d pulled is extraordinarily unappealing.
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By Abernathy
That really is a very long-lived racist trope. Not sure precisely when takeaway Chinese and Indian food started getting popular in the UK, but it might well have been while I was in my formative years in the 1960s and 1970s. There was the rather strange notion, beloved of Bernard Manningesque standup comics, that the problem with Chinese food was that after you'd eaten some, you were hungry again an hour later - something I've found to be completely false. And of course, the racist trope that that meat in your chicken chow mein wasn't chicken at all, but next door's alsatian. Like all racist tropes, it is incredibly stupid as well as offensive. Why on earth would any food business risk penalties or closure by passing off meat from a dog as something else? They'd be quite mad to do so.
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By Andy McDandy
And before that, the grandaddy of them all, the frog-eating French (not to mention all sorts of religious dietary laws).

Historically, jeering at foreigners over their eating habits did have a sort of root in reality. Because the average diet of an English person in the 18th or 19th century was considerably more than that of a French or Spanish person, it was common to suggest they made up their diets by eating all manner of disgusting things, or had to slather them in sauces to disguise the rottenness. This transferred over to the colonies in the days of empire, at least in part to claim superiority over the locals - "I may have been brought up in a shitty inner city slum but at least I'm not eating that".
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By Abernathy
I’m going to (hopefully) trump Andy McDandy here with a related popular culture reference. In The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers, Samwise Gamgee, surprised by the tastiness of Elvish lembas bread, opines “I don’t usually ‘old with foreign food”, which seems to be a common type of English attitude of the type to which you refer.
By Oboogie
kreuzberger wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:58 pm Au Cointreau!

There is a fairly large Italian community in Glasgow, having initially settled in Paisley. Many have roots in the Garfagnana city of Braga in norther Tuscany. Braga is exquisitely lovely. Paisley, perhaps less so.
Which is why it wouldn't be regarded as "foreign food", which was Watchman's point.
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By Abernathy
kreuzberger wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:58 pm Au Cointreau!

There is a fairly large Italian community in Glasgow, having initially settled in Paisley. Many have roots in the Garfagnana city of Braga in norther Tuscany. Braga is exquisitely lovely. Paisley, perhaps less so.
Not just initially. My sister, from Paisley (but who now lives in Inverkip) married a man from Barga. Some years ago, they both took my wee mammy on a visit back to Barga. It’s a beautiful town, with many Scots cultural connections, but alas, Mum didn’t fully enjoy the visit because the language barrier sometimes left her feeling a bit stranded.

I’d not necessarily disagree with you on the relative aesthetic merits of Barga and Paisley - Barga is magnificent, but don’t be dismissing my home town. It has some magnificent architecture.
By Bones McCoy
Oboogie wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:28 pm
kreuzberger wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:58 pm Au Cointreau!

There is a fairly large Italian community in Glasgow, having initially settled in Paisley. Many have roots in the Garfagnana city of Braga in norther Tuscany. Braga is exquisitely lovely. Paisley, perhaps less so.
Which is why it wouldn't be regarded as "foreign food", which was Watchman's point.
I thought it was cos Ibrox Asda wouldn't riskk stuff that the Bishop of Rome might nibble.
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