:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Nigredo
As if Mr. "Kinder, gentle politics" would actually have the backbone to confront the far-right thugs, he'd probably have invited them round for tea and to sing a rousing chorus of The Internationale cross-legged in a peace circle (yes and ho!).

You don't debate fascists, you punch them.
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By Crabcakes
Joe Biden has shown what can be done if a leader steps aside for a better option. You can beat populist leaders with a divisive offer.

On top of his feeble resistance to Brexit on his own ideological grounds, Jez had too much ego to step aside himself, believing he would romp to victory because people who attended his rallies told him so. And so he handed the election to Johnson as a result, and thus very much had a hand in the creation of the environment that led to these riots.

So you’ll excuse me for saying that he should pipe the fuck down.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I see that Stop the War are upset that Ukraine is fighting back and not just giving in to their mate Putin. But they've been Community Noted.

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By Oboogie
Youngian wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:30 pm NATO backed aggression launches assault on Donetsk liberation army?
They've already gone one further than that. That thread seems to have disappeared now (the link just leads me to the Community Note) but there were Tweets downthread from STW claiming NATO has invaded Russia. Demands for Starmer to be tried for war crimes at the Hague cannot be far away.
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By Andy McDandy
The Hague seems to have joined the Al Jazeera tapes, the Sue Grey report, the "no more money" memo and many other things as basically the holy relics of politics. Wherever you are on the political map, there's something that becomes the answer to all questions, while actually being as meaningful as Brian's lost sandal.
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By Abernathy
There’s a thing - did Laura Trott (yep -she was the last Tory Chief Secretary to the Treasury - I checked) leave a note of any kind for her successor ?

I’m guessing not. Considering her previously demonstrated level of economic literacy, it might not be unreasonable to suppose that her corresponding level of verbal literacy may not have rendered her capable of having written any sort of note.
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By Arrowhead
I think I just sighed all the air out my body:

Genuine question: why is he so shit at this? Why didn't Corbz stop & think "Oh shit that's David Miller over there, he a raging anti-Semite, I best not get caught in a photo with him in any way"?

And why the fuck was he palling around with these pricks in the first place?
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By Crabcakes
“The photo? Oh…this photo was an early draft and I didn’t realise who was in it and how me being near them and friendly with them would come over, and I definitely meant to not have them in later photographs. I am also a man of peace, and when I heard they liked Palestinians hoped they’d sing the nice Oh Jeremy Corbyn song at me. I like that one, because I’m Jeremy Corbyn. What was it you were asking again? Did you want me to do a speech?”
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By Crabcakes
Oboogie wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:14 pm
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:23 pm Failed leader decides he’d like to lead something again:

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ar ... o-gaza-mps
I bet Netanyahu is quaking in his boots.
On the plus side, they will almost always vote polar opposite to Reform, so neither this lot nor Farage’s mob effectively exist now.
By davidjay
Oboogie wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:04 pm
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:35 pm On the plus side, they will almost always vote polar opposite to Reform, so neither this lot nor Farage’s mob effectively exist now.
I wouldn't count on that, especially in matters related to the EU.
Every one of the Cult that I've ever come across has been more critical of Starmer than Farage. They may do it for different reasons but they'll still both vote against the government more often than not.
Oboogie liked this
By mattomac
He abstained on the railway bill.

I can only assume it’s because it doesn’t bring them back under public ownership at the strike of midnight but I believe it’s exactly his policy pretty much just the more workable version he borrowed from Ed Miliband.

It’s because he mainly stands for fuck all but the fuck all you can attach dreams on to.
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