:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... avers.html

Attack on Starmer and Labour donors that boils down to pretty much nothing. Seems that most expenses costs covered are justifiable, leaving cunt to complain about the cost of a few things, and falling back on they're just as bad as each other.

Look, you can't criticise him over his suits when you'd be the first to sneer if he wasn't well dressed. He's well off - so what? His wife's salary isn't that amazing for London. Much of their net wealth is house price, and the Mail can fucking shut up on that score. You championed Johnson, whose spending of other people's money was astronomical, never mind declared. Your argument is the old Christmas lights one - either too cheap, or a waste of money. Plus a dig at Lord Alli being one of them.

Hypocritical cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... oking.html

Why the fags never did me any harm and besides my grandad smoked 50 a day and was killed running for a bus aged 90, by a cunt.

Well, not quite. He admits that he hates smoking and has no argument in its favour. But it's the principle of the thing - if they ban one thing, what will they ban next? And that's all Labour do - ban, ban, ban.
My only, niggling reservation is that if Labour get away with this, their next move will be to ban smoking altogether, even in your own home.
Remind me whose recent plan it was to steadily increase the buying age for tobacco to squeeze smoking out?

By satnav
Like many right wing grifters he has been pushing the silly argument that if they ban smoking next they will move on to banning chocolate etc. To my knowledge somebody eating a bar of chocolate has zero impact on my health. So comparing chocolate and tobacco does seem rather stupid even for Littlejohn.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... -life.html

Harmless bit of The Celebrities who Knew Me, in this case the Kinks. Lots of plugs for Boom radio, and padding out with lyrics.

Next, why do Labour hate old people?
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... lcard.html
Not content with stripping pensioners of their winter fuel payments, it is now being reported that concessionary rail fares for the over-60s are also about to be cut.

Train operators, which these days are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Treasury and soon to be nationalised fully, are reducing the railcard discounts of up to 35 per cent.

OAPs aren’t the only passengers affected, admittedly. The ­savings are also being withdrawn from the disabled, military veterans and young people.
Reported. About to be. Hitting everyone. Followed by the usual - train drivers, public sector gold plated pensions, asylum seekers, Gordon Brown, doctors, handouts for the unworthy, the usual shit.

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By kreuzberger
That brings me back to a hobby-horse of mine, about which I banged on in the earliest days of this forum, and that a Labour government in good business for the faschier end of the press.

They never stop fucking moaning and they egg on their readers to do the same.

Business is business.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Train operators, which these days are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Treasury and soon to be nationalised fully, are reducing the railcard discounts of up to 35 per cent.

OAPs aren’t the only passengers affected, admittedly. The ­savings are also being withdrawn from the disabled, military veterans and young people.
Or people without railcards will pay a lower percentage of fare income? Which includes OAP's.

These railcards are nothing to do with train companies, whoever owns them. They've always been handled by the DfT.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I increasingly have a low opinion of pressure groups. Everything has to sound more drastic than it is for fund
Bruce Williamson of campaign group Railfuture explained that while the discount reduction only represents a very small rise in fares for some passengers, the move will be “demoralising” for rail users.

“It’s a step in the wrong direction,” he told the Big Issue. “It just sends out the wrong message, and it’s a bit demoralising. Yet again, rail fares are creeping up, and we have a cost of living crisis.”
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By Andy McDandy

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -work.html

Got your bingo cards out? Here we go.
So began what became known as the Winter of Discontent as a wave of strikes drove a coach and horses – or rather a fleet of dust-carts – through Labour’s pay restraint policy.

Rubbish piled up in the streets, dead ­bodies went unburied.....
...crushing defeat of Arthur Scargill’s miners and the once-powerful print unions at Rupert Murdoch’s Wapping plant...
...bad old days of unbridled union power...
...­trebles-all-round pay deals in the direction of their client base.

The inflation-busting rises ­lavished on train drivers and ­junior doctors...
Eventually, like every other Labour government, this one will run out of other people’s money...
TL/DR - 40 years ago people were being made redundant en masse and protested. Now working people's concerns have moved on to exploitation by employers. As far as Dickie's concerned, this is a paradox. Then it's the usual whinges about WFH - daytime TV, listening to the radio, all a big con by lazy public sector types.

Other news: a farm in Gloucestershire is breeding a potentially dangerous animal. Why, asks cunt. Here's a thing about discos - hey, that Angela Rayner was at a disco recently, maybe they're related, suggests cunt. Then it's the news that "lumberjacks" are being renamed. Cue a rehash of an old Python gag, the trademark of the unfunny cunt. So fucking what? We do degrees in land management at my uni, and they're called tree surgeons, foresters, forestry managers, chainsaw enthusiasts....
By satnav
I'm guessing that Littlejohn has based his lumberjack story on this article that featured in the Mail earlier in the week.

UN agency staff told not to say 'Englishman' or 'man's best friend' in latest crackdown on gendered language

Like with their story on the Red Cross banning certain word this story is equally rubbish. I think the big clue is when they refer to 'guidelines.' The term man's best friend is an idiom which is presumably lost in translation when used outside of the UK.

The big give away is when they quote Captain Bell End in the story.
Last night Toby Young, founder of the Free Speech Union, said: 'This is precisely what George Orwell warned us about.

'Banning certain words and phrases to advance a dogmatic political ideology is a hallmark of totalitarianism.'
May I propose Armsteen's Law?

The first person in any argument about free speech to invoke the name of George Orwell can be considered to have lost by default.
Andy McDandy, Spoonman liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... lowns.html

NHS is collapsing. Just a load of gimmicks. They're sending in clowns! Yet...
Seriously-ill children in hospital with pneumonia responded more quickly to treatment if they were visited by ‘medical clowns’ twice a day.

After being entertained at their bedsides with music and laughter, they needed a third fewer antibiotics and could be discharged within 43.5 hours, compared with three days for the average pneumonia patient.
So, without knowing all the details, it seems to be a cost-effective way of treating patients and getting them discharged faster. But it's a bit silly, a bit wimpy, therefore it won't do.
(I can only speak for the exemplary care my late mum received under the much-maligned American system, which saved her life and extended it by almost 15 years.)
Paid for. She paid for it. She paid a lot for it.
Amanda Pritchard has been chief executive of NHS England since 2021. She has 32 executive and non-executive directors. What the hell have they been doing for the past three years while the ‘service’ they are paid handsomely to administer has been going even further down the gurgler?

Now that Labour is promising a new broom, can we expect all those directly responsible for the failures of the past and present, not to mention the squandering of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money, to be sacked? Starting with Pritchard. What do you think?

If this was any privately run enterprise, she’d have been shown the door already
Starmer still couldn’t resist blaming the Tories, even though the last government hosed down the health service with cash, to the tune of a mind-boggling £165 billion last year.

He conveniently overlooked the fact that it was Labour which gave GPs bumper pay rises and relieved them of the arduous task of working weekends and evenings. Labour also adopted European working directives which put extra pressure on NHS rotas.
Throwing money at it isn't the answer! And don't blame the Tories - they threw money at it!

Oh, and making doctors work ridiculously long shifts benefits nobody except the local undertakers and speed dealers. Cunt.
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