:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By mattomac
The question and it doesn’t bare thinking about but where were they getting this money for additional tax cuts?

We know they had welfare cuts planned but they seem against cutting winter fuel allowance? And the fact Labour had to go there tells you a lot. Effectively pensions are around 70-75% of it, had a chat with my dad (they claim housing benefit so won’t lose out also attendance allowance for my mum) and as I said there is nothing else they can cut.

I would assume those who gave it to charity will be delighted, this is not the old age pensioner in her front living room in front of a dangerous gas fire photo they always drag out.
By satnav
Like some of the other leadership candidates Jenrick appears to be making his pitch to grassroot party members before he has actually got to the point where MPs reduce the number of candidates to two. He is probably fighting it out with Priti Patel to get the backing of the loony wing of the party but Patel has taken a more measured response to the rioting.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Claire Coutihno has been attacking "Ed Milliband's reckless net zero targets". Surprised about this, because Net Zero is popular, and the targets aren't that different to Coutihno's own targets, even allowing for them being watered down. Is Ed Milliband unpopular? He was before, just like William Hague once was, but both came back to lesser roles that fitted them better. So would be surprised if he was that unpopular now.
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By Tubby Isaacs
It's OK, it was an analogy! So what does the analogy mean? If bad people always start with small things, what's she expecting Labour to do? Had some lefty liberal said "banning laughing gas, that's how the Nazis started!" they'd have had McVey and co on their back for anti-Semitism.

And how respectful to follow her explanation with a rant. I see "two tier justice system" makes an appearance. What changes have Labour made to it so in a month and a half? If it's indeed two tier, isn't it on the Tories?
By satnav
McVey and her odious partner Philip Davies have always been in the pockets of the hospitality industry accepting tickets to sport events etc. Now that Davies is unemployed McVey will be looking to boost her outside earning even more and she will be even more interested in picking up freebies from the hospitality sector.
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