:sunglasses: 28.6 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 32.1 % :cry: 25 %
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By Andy McDandy
He's got a point. Just last night I was menaced by a gang of mimes dressed in baseball outfits, some kung fu guys in orange pyjamas, and a bunch of Bay City Rollers lookalikes on rollerskates.
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By Abernathy
Trump has now called Kamala Harris "ugly" and claimed multiple times that he is better looking than Harris. According to Donnie, she has a really weird laugh, too - "the laugh of a mad person", and has therefore been told by her minders never to laugh. Oh, and she is also a communist, the most left-wing candidate ever, and a fascist (WTAF?).

He has stopped short of claiming that Harris has a smelly arse, but there's still time.

Seriously though, is this an election, or a fucking primary school playground?
Oboogie, Arrowhead, Watchman liked this
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By Spoonman
Abernathy wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:47 pm Trump has now called Kamala Harris "ugly" and claimed multiple times that he is better looking than Harris. According to Donnie, she has a really weird laugh, too - "the laugh of a mad person", and has therefore been told by her minders never to laugh. Oh, and she is also a communist, the most left-wing candidate ever, and a fascist (WTAF?).

He has stopped short of claiming that Harris has a smelly arse, but there's still time.

Seriously though, is this an election, or a fucking primary school playground?
BiB - If that's the best he can respond with 'cos him & his acolytes crumble to bits by being called "weird", then he's close to being toast. Hopefully.
By satnav
Trump is not going to win the election if he can not win back the female voters who deserted him at the last election. All the name calling and childish behaviour is not going to appeal to the voters he needs to win back. The name calling strategy is also very stupid given that Trump is now a convicted felon and a rapist.
Oboogie liked this
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By Abernathy
An interesting, if rather spine-shilling, article about how Trump is already rolling the pitch for when he loses the election again in order to try and re-run his false claims from 2016 that the election was "stolen" by the Democrats.

The message couldn’t be clearer. Come November either he wins or the Democrats steal the election.
He [Trump] has election deniers in key states. His base is psychologically not prepared for him to lose. This is a desperate man. Donald Trump will not simply lose the election. Donald Trump knows that if he is not elected president, he may be going to jail. He will do and say anything.
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/tr ... ngNewsSerp

One of the things that the USA really needs constitutionally to put right. No putative candidate for elected office should be permitted to stand unless (s)he declares that (s)he accepts that the election in which they are participating is free and fair, and swears to a legally binding advance undertaking to accept the result, whatever it may be. They cannot permit a future Trump to get away with this shit ever again.
By Youngian
He will do and say anything.

Not quite as Trump’s not taking advice from GOP strategists to campaign on issues. Instead of spouting ridiculous personal insults and looney wiffle about shark batteries.
If the Dems take their eye off the ball for more than a minute this slippery fucker could still win
By Bones McCoy
Abernathy wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:08 am An interesting, if rather spine-shilling, article about how Trump is already rolling the pitch for when he loses the election again in order to try and re-run his false claims from 2016 that the election was "stolen" by the Democrats.

The message couldn’t be clearer. Come November either he wins or the Democrats steal the election.
He [Trump] has election deniers in key states. His base is psychologically not prepared for him to lose. This is a desperate man. Donald Trump will not simply lose the election. Donald Trump knows that if he is not elected president, he may be going to jail. He will do and say anything.
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/tr ... ngNewsSerp

One of the things that the USA really needs constitutionally to put right. No putative candidate for elected office should be permitted to stand unless (s)he declares that (s)he accepts that the election in which they are participating is free and fair, and swears to a legally binding advance undertaking to accept the result, whatever it may be. They cannot permit a future Trump to get away with this shit ever again.
Unfortunately their sacred constitution and amendments enshrine the right to overthrow tyrants.
Loosely worded stuff that any weaselly rabble rouser can use to justify their ends.

I post an approximate quote form a "military veteran" on a forum pre Jan 6th.
I swore to protect the USA from enemies.
That oath did not lapse when I demobilised.
I regard Biden as a communist enabler and an enemy.
If he is elected I will honour my oath.
You can justify almost anything with words written 230 years ago.
Abernathy liked this
By Bones McCoy
The difference with any repeat of Jan 6th is that this year there'll be a Dem replacing a Dem.
This provides an opportunity to get some proper security in place.

Last time Trump was still in the "lame duck" period of office.
Lame he might have been, but he could still prevent any security response to the riot.
Oboogie liked this
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By Crabcakes
What I’m hoping for, and what astonishingly is looking like might actually happen given Trump’s recent approach to campaigning (do fuck all but play golf, send out Vance to say something awful, turn up for a rally and ramble incoherently for an hour to paid attendees), is that Harris wins a few states that Trump thought he had safely locked down and the certification becomes irrelevant because she gets over the line even before ‘contested’ states come into play.

Trump put his meagre amount of eggs in 1 basket because he’s corrupt, arrogant and lazy - those (bad) eggs being MAGA cult members willing to be part of election shenanigans in a tiny number of battleground states. But Biden has already upended it by pulling out and outmanoeuvring others in the party to lock in Harris so that there’s no contested convention, galvanising the dems and putting a decent no. of extra states into the mix. If Harris can win some unexpected states that’s all his eggs smashed and he has literally nothing left. He’ll have been beaten first by an older man in 2020, then that same man has both stitched him up AND denied him the chance to ever even the score, and then he’ll be beaten again by a younger black woman in a manner that means he won’t even be able to pull his blatantly telegraphed Supreme Court enabled coup plan. He will figuratively and possibly quite literally explode with impotent rage (well, he may not entirely explode, but his cheeseburger grease-encrusted heart might). And then the GOP will collapse in on itself as they all turn on each other - which there are signs is already happening.

I seriously think this is a huge turning point for the US, and mercifully it seems to be going the right way. And it’s insane to think it’s almost entirely down to an old man, who basically came out of retirement after already having put in a lifetime of service to take on the role his late son was probably destined for, taking the biggest one possible for the team.

The inevitable Biden biopic is going to be *strewn* with Oscars.
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By Abernathy
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:57 am

I seriously think this is a huge turning point for the US, and mercifully it seems to be going the right way. And it’s insane to think it’s almost entirely down to an old man, who basically came out of retirement after already having put in a lifetime of service to take on the role his late son was probably destined for, taking the biggest one possible for the team.

The inevitable Biden biopic is going to be *strewn* with Oscars.
Agreed. I do think that Biden, along with Jimmy Carter, will be recognised by history as one of the USA's greatest ever presidents.
Oboogie liked this
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By Watchman
This may have been mentioned before, but it’s only just occurred to me; was there any statement from the NRA, following the “assassination attempt” on their hero, about stopping dangerous weapons falling into the hands of people who may shoot the golden goose
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By Abernathy
The other thing that genuinely puzzles me about Trump is his apparent obsession with the size of crowds. We saw it at his inauguration in 2017, when he put out the "alternative fact" that there had been a bigger crowd at his inauguration than anybody else's, ever, anywhere. We've seen it again now- to the extent that he claims that a crowd of people welcoming Kamala Harris at an airfield was non-existent and the result of AI jiggery-pokery.

I mean, really, who gives a fuck about the size of crowds? It means absolutely fuck all.

It's the Jeremy Corbyn popularity measure, and we all know how accurate that was.
Oboogie liked this
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By Crabcakes
In Trump’s case, it’s all part of the narcissism and vanity. That’s why he gets his doctor to say he’s incredibly fit and weighs half of what he does, and he claims he’s more handsome than Obama and better looking than Harris.

And let’s not forget he used to get his cabinet to pay him compliments at the start of every session. He’s just a very spoilt, disturbed little boy who was never told no.
By Youngian
Donald’s nephew Fred Trump III talks about dementia in the family and believes Don has all the signs. Shame on the rest of the family if they’re going to sit back and let him go ahead with a public deterioration in the next three months of campaigning.
https://x.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/18 ... 47098?s=46
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:09 pm Donald’s nephew Fred Trump III talks about dementia in the family and believes Don has all the signs. Shame on the rest of the family if they’re going to sit back and let him go ahead with a public deterioration in the next three months of campaigning.
https://x.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/18 ... 47098?s=46
The rest of the family are counting on The Donfather to provide their well paid DEI (Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka) sinecures.
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By Abernathy
Meanwhile, away from the Trump/Kamala soap opera, today’s shocking discovery is that Cheryl Hines (Larry David’s wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm) is married to nutjob USA independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.
By Youngian
Apparently, Larry introduced them which makes you wonder where the bungling fictional Larry David ends.
John Oliver recently had a profile on RFK, an even more conspiratorial car crash than you imagined. Republican ratfuckers have ballsed up by patronising this nutjob as a spoiler candidate because he carries the Kennedy name. Disillusioned Trump supporters like conspiracy blabbermouth Joe Rogan is where RFK’s support’s coming from.
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