:laughing: 100 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
I always wonder with this stuff- do they think all the progressive European countries with various degrees of private health delivery are like Mississippi? Do they ever meet mainstream centre left politicians who can explain to them that this isn't the case? I suspect they don't meet many of those at all, mainly people just like themselves.

Obviously nobody needs the old model PFI again (though lots of the later ones were fine). Is anybody proposing to do that, or is that just inferred from "sTARMERS DONORS FOLLOw the money"?
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By Nigredo
Saw it on an Instagram reel so unsure how to actually share it here so that we might discuss but one of the Nu-wave of Trots, a woman named Grace Blakeley, stated that she is opting for the Greens this election because of their stance on important issues like er... Gaza :confused:
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By Abernathy
It is beyond belief that the government has still not ended arms sales to Israel.
What on earth are they waiting for?
This shameful cowardice must be called out for what it is: complicity in genocide.
Is the Labour government, in office for six weeks, really “complicit in genocide “?

Or is Jez talking bollocks again ?
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By Abernathy
Corbyn is, blessedly, no longer even in the Labour Party. But he’s still an MP (independent). So he’s completely free to keep taking a pop at Labour in government - as in fact, he always has done. This is his latest nugget of wisdom on Facebook :

Earlier this month, the far right set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers.
Today, the government announced a "major surge" in deportations and promised to re-open detention centres.
The government could have stood up to the far right. Instead, it pandered to them.
Now, I think he must be talking about the Labour government fulfilling its manifesto pledge to revitalise the asylum processing system and speed up the process of removing asylum seekers whose applications have not succeeded and who have no leave to remain, and having immediately scrapped the obscene Rwanda deportations policy. That emphatically isn’t pandering to the far right.

What a desperate attempt at trying to appear relevant (one of many) from Magic Grandtwat. .
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By Tubby Isaacs
His latest.
Austerity has decimated our communities and pushed millions of people into poverty.
It would be a catastrophic mistake to repeat this failed economic experiment.
The top 1% in the UK own more than 70% of the population combined. Stop cutting our services and tax the rich instead.
As ever, this stuff is hard to square with 2017 where he ran on cutting benefits below what George Osborne had done. There were some tax rises, including Corporation Tax, which since raised to about the level he said it should be. Non-dom is being restricted, iike he said it should be. There was no wealth tax, and only relatively small changes to income taxes. He did though raise capital gains tax, to the highest in the world, which might conceivably have backfired (everywhere taxes it less than income). So where would that leave that 705-1% stat?

I always say this, but if you want to be like Scandinavia, tax like Scandinavia- that's everybody paying higher rates, including higher VAT with fewer exemptions. I appreciate the difficulties with this- Scandinavians are better off, so it's easier to do that. But what nobody does is think you can get the money off only the rich.

He's been an MP for 40 years. Isn't it about time he did a proper plan?
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By Abernathy
From Fleecebook, Corbyn’s latest bit of shit-stirring, aided and abetted by those “independent” MPs who essentially got elected by lying that Labour is somehow responsible for genocide in Gaza. This narrative that the Labour government is also somehow, 50 days in, retreading the Tories’ policy of “austerity” is total bollocks, and should be called out as such. Osborne & Cameron’s austerity strategy was a conscious and dishonest political choice to advance the Tory dogma of a smaller state, under cover of supposedly recovering the UK’s economic position from the necessary steps taken by Gordon Brown to deal with the global banking crisis. Starmer is dealing with a real economic crisis arising from 14 years of Tory fuck ups, and only today trailed Rachel Reeves’ imminent budget by saying that “the biggest burden ought to be carried by those with the broadest shoulders”, in a clear indication that increases in taxation will be levied on those with the means easily to take them on, and not ordinary folk.

Corbyn, and those “independent” MPs, are full of shite. As usual.
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Last edited by Abernathy on Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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By Yug
1. The government did not say it would do all this in their first 6 weeks in office.

2. The government has made it perfectly clear to all but the most stupid and/or mendacious that there is no bottomless supply of money - the exact opposite, to be precise.

3. Mr Worthy MP and his half-wit acolytes can fuck off and stop working for the fucking Tories.
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By Yug
What gets me is how someone who is so proud of his left-wing credentials can be so quick to jump in and do the Tories' shit-stirring for them. If I didn't already know what he's like I would assume that someone at Tufton Street wes pulling his strings.

But it never was about doing things to help people. It's always been about Corbyn, and how perfectly socialist he is.
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