:sunglasses: 28.6 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 32.1 % :cry: 25 %
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By Crabcakes
They’re all going the right way, which is (I think) the reason behind Trump’s bizarre own goal of a press conference and why he’s folded on the debates and agreed to them outside his safe space of Fox. He’s both furious he’s not the centre of attention and terrified what he thought was a done deal is falling apart.

The overall percentages may not be that big a gap yet, but the fact previously solid red states have moved to ‘toss up’ is the big takeaway. Throw in the fact that older voters are much more likely to answer phone polls and so they often skew Republican, and there is potential here for an astonishing result. It may be Labour-like in that it’ll be adding small amounts but in the right place, but if it works it works - and realistically this is the last possible time Trump can stand. Once he’s gone, the GOP as it is will implode much like the Tories have post Boris.

I’m genuinely hopeful we could have the right people in the right places globally to make some real progress on stuff like climate change, Israel and keeping Putin in check, and have them in place for long enough that the progress made can’t be undone.
By satnav
In the weeks running up to Biden stepping aside as the presidential candidate news programmes were falling over themselves to report all his various gaff, in the last week Trump has made gaff after gaff but they have hardly been mentioned. He clamed last week he had been in an helicopter with a democrat governor when the helicopter nearly crashed. The governor denied ever being in a helicopter with Trump but the Trump camp continued to argue that the incident actually happened.
By RedSparrows
Not sure there's a better demonstration of the absolutely bizarre standard Trump is (not) held to than his ramblings vs the concern over Biden before he dropped out.

It's this kind of thing that demonstrates the unbelievable bending over backwards for a section of society that persistently wails about being repressed.
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By Abernathy
I’m sure I should have noticed this before now, but just going on the current contest, it seems that American presidential campaigns consist almost entirely of both candidates constantly hurling lies about each other at each other, and abuse seemingly intended to discourage people for voting for them. Vitriolic, nasty, negative campaigning.

Has it always been thus ?
By satnav
Both parties seem to spend an obscene amount of money on negative campaign adds in a campaign that is largely decided by less than a million votes spread across half a dozen swing state. I suppose in a system where there are really only two parties with a chance of winning negative campaigning is likely to be the most effective way to fight the election.
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By Abernathy
I was just wondering if it has always been that way. I can remember Michael Dukakis's chances being quite damaged by a negative ad saying he'd let a murderer out on parole, who then killed again. That was quite a few years since.
By davidjay
Abernathy wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:04 pm I’m sure I should have noticed this before now, but just going on the current contest, it seems that American presidential campaigns consist almost entirely of both candidates constantly hurling lies about each other at each other, and abuse seemingly intended to discourage people for voting for them. Vitriolic, nasty, negative campaigning.

Has it always been thus ?
In the days before satellite TV and regular transatlantic travel, people who spent time over there would comment about how adverts concentrated more on running down competitors than promoting their own products. Same thing, innit?
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By Andy McDandy
If you're positive, you leave yourself open to attack (see Sarah Palin's "How's that hope thing working out?" slight at Obama in 2012). If you're negative, it puts the opposition on the defensive, and makes it harder for them to respond with anything except more negativity.

It's the same race to the bottom we saw over the last 14 years. You don't need to be good, just to appear slightly less shit than the other guys.
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By Watchman
Abernathy wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:04 pm I’m sure I should have noticed this before now, but just going on the current contest, it seems that American presidential campaigns consist almost entirely of both candidates constantly hurling lies about each other at each other, and abuse seemingly intended to discourage people for voting for them. Vitriolic, nasty, negative campaigning.

Has it always been thus ?
I think Trump has simply taken it to a whole new level
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By Andy McDandy
If we were to take a look back, there does seem to be a downward trend in Republican reactionaryism:

Carter: Let's sit down and have a long think about who we are.
Reagan: Enough of that. USA! USA! We're number one!

Clinton: It's the end of history and all that jazz. Let's be more of a facilitator of the free world than leader.
Bush Jr: Nah. Let them fear us.

Obama: Hope is everything, and if I can make it to the top, anyone can.
Trump: Fuck you. All you need to feel great is someone to treat like shit.
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By Crabcakes
satnav wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:56 pm In the weeks running up to Biden stepping aside as the presidential candidate news programmes were falling over themselves to report all his various gaff, in the last week Trump has made gaff after gaff but they have hardly been mentioned. He clamed last week he had been in an helicopter with a democrat governor when the helicopter nearly crashed. The governor denied ever being in a helicopter with Trump but the Trump camp continued to argue that the incident actually happened.
This is the real “two tier” stuff. Impossibly higher standards for the candidate/party who stands to cause the most damage to the media owner’s bottom line and/or who is the least inflammatory and so sells the least papers or news subs, and a “meh” for the other side.

Everyone wants a legislative branch that is run well and fairly. But no one wants to *watch* that. Biden is an example. Trump is a shitshow - but a shitshow is still a show.
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By Abernathy
Things that Trump really (yes, really) said, part 423 :

Note the "I've heard" formulation : meaning in essence "I'm fucking making this up". More than 100%. Right.
Trumpshit.jpg (74.66 KiB) Viewed 1005 times
Last edited by Abernathy on Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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