:sunglasses: 13.3 % :pray: 13.3 % :laughing: 66.7 % :cry: 6.7 %
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By Abernathy
mattomac wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:55 pm Notice how it’s mostly the good ones who die from assassination attempts.

I reflected on this while reading Roy Carroll’s excellent “Killing Thatcher” on the IRA attempt on her life.

So no I don’t think there is divine intervention.
Indeed. Whoever sabotaged Farage's plane didn't do a proper job. And that half-arsed mechanic that (according to Farage) loosened the wheel nuts on his Volvo didn't deserve his bonus.
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By Abernathy
Here’s the thing : Farage is no longer merely a racist, populist, attention-seeking gobshite (though he obviously still is), but he is also now an elected member of parliament (incredible though that may sound). As such, he has certain obligations, privileges, and standards that now apply to him that do not apply to your common or garden racist rabble rousing gobshite. The Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, made a full statement to the House on Tuesday about Southport, for which Farage was not present. He therefore was unable to put any questions in the House to the Home Secretary about the events in Southport. As a member of parliament, he could and should also have approached the Home Secretary’s office directly about any concerns that he supposedly had, such as whether, in his own words, “the truth is being with-held from us". In short, as a Member of Parliament, he could have acted properly.

Instead, Farage put out a speculative video that is dripping with racist dog whistles. A message expressly designed and intended to rouse the ire of racist EDL fuckwits and Tommy Robinson fans up and down England. Which is, of course, precisely what happened, and is still happening.

Something has to be done about this man - ideally before we have to count on the decent people of Clacton to boot the cunt out in 4 or 5 years time. Seriously.
By davidjay
It would be good if Farage were held to account. It would have been better ten years ago. But, as we see time and again, there is some reason why he gets away with it. His media appearances get ever more frequent, his grifting ever more blatant and his behaviour ever more extreme. Yet there is no investigation, whether criminal, financial or work-related. He is, as he knows full well, untouchable.
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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:27 pm Something has to be done about this man - ideally before we have to count on the decent people of Clacton to boot the cunt out in 4 or 5 years time. Seriously.
I rarely wish physical ill on people, even dreadful people, but in Farage’s case I’d be entirely OK with lung cancer or liver disease putting in an appearance on the basis he would finally in some way be facing the consequences of his own actions.
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By Watchman
He got away with it as an MEP because the EU is a much bigger entity, and in the grand scheme of things he could be ignored, and had no real reach/influence out side of Ann Widdecombe. Now he's here on "the island", finally an elected MP, where he is able to preach to a more gullible audience. Maybe he's also had a few lessons from Bannon. However the flip side of all that, and this is a double edged sword, he's in the spotlight he craves, but because back here it will be much more focused on everything he says and does, so no dodging back into the shadows.
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By Yug
I notice Manfrog isn't threatening to sue James O'Brien for libel over the "Farage riots" thing. Is this because he knows he'll lose, or because his financial backers know he'll lose, or both?

I don't think a High Court judge telling Looza Fox that it is reasonable for people to call him a racist helps much, either.
By slilley
I would also add his distortion of what happened in Southport. He has talked about the Police withholding information about the person they had arrested. At that point all they could say was that a 17 year old youth had been arrested. Charges were then brought and so all they could say at that point was that he had been charged and would appear in court. Subsequently a Crown Court judge made an order allowing him to be named. Any further comment about this person is ill-advised as legal proceedings are now active and so the 1981 Contempt of Court Act is in play. Mr Yaxley-Lennon can advise as to the power it has within it.
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By Andy McDandy
Yes, it's "Prove to my satisfaction..." all over again.

A crime was committed, and someone was almost instantly arrested. That's all we really need to know. As many have pointed out, being on a register doesn't stop you obtaining a potentially offensive weapon or walking through a door (if they even were 'known to security services', as if it even matters). It's a sad fact that all too often, security procedures get tightened up after the event - that's when we know they need to be. That's why Thomas Hamilton was able to stroll into that school.

What Fargle wants - short of mass deportation - is a system where people he don't like have to jump through hoops for the amusement of people like him. ID cards, spot checks, assumptions of guilt, and a sense they're intruding on white man's space. He's an evil cunt.
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