:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
By RedSparrows
If she emerges victorious, it will be conclusive evidence of the Democrats’ descent into the divisive politics of identity, where — to paraphrase Martin Luther King — a Presidential candidate can now be chosen not on the content of her character of her ability to do the job but on the colour of her skin and her gender.
This is another in the long line of Republican/right-wing vice-signalling.

'Look at them there liberals making everything about race and gender. Not me, who argues that every black woman who gets anywhere happens to be there not on merit, but on "DEI" grounds. Oh, of course, if there was a minority person who met my standards, sure, I'd accept that they were there on merit, but, well, I'm still waiting...'

Mendacious, lazy, cruel, spiteful, childish, pathetic, wrong: but it's OK, he's not racist cos he didn't call her something very rude. Same thing every time: 'we're not saying it, we're just implying it with the biggest wink you've ever seen, so why you getting so angry??'
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By Andy McDandy
Yes, and any time you get someone like Kemi or Suella saying "I overcame all these barriers and came out on top and it was hard work but by God, I managed it", I'm reminded of some actor (Craig T Nelson, I think) who said that he'd been poor and on welfare, and using food stamps, but nobody helped him.

They never seem to ask why there should be extra barriers for them. Or use their influence to break them down for others.
By RedSparrows
It's particularly bitter when their entire platform - certainly Trump's, and increasingly the Tories/Reform - is identity. Protecting the identity of the great white man when it's made apparent that the world - and history - is full of other people. Astonishing, I know.

The full racist subtext driving the fringes to the centre: Great Replacement Theory
The centre, trying to manage this shit with its other, more traditional brands of shit: 'They' are threatening 'us', it's not fair, whither meritocracy, institutional power is a fiction of academic imagination, waaaa...

Policy on energy? Anti-librul climate lies. Policy on immigration? Anti-darkies. Policy on defense? Anti-librul ??? = strength! Policy on education? Anti-librul lies. Policy on gender? Anti-librul lies... on and on.
By Rosvanian
Witnessing the right wing media ecosystem tying itself in knots trying to mildly condemn the bigoted mob whose views it wholeheartedly supports and encourages, has been a unedifying, sickening sight. This has been a desperate, depressing week for our country.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -Left.html


Cunt claims that awful as the riots are, they're nothing compared to what's happening in Bangladesh or in a fight he allegedly saw when going to the football once. Riots are awful. Nothing excuses them. Terrible things. But...

Then he excuses them. Fargle was right to ask leading questions because he represents millions. The far right doesn't exist. This was just some pissed up chavs. Islamophobia? Ha ha, you're making that up. Mind you, can't blame people for rioting, hotels are full of dusky young men eyeing up your little princess. Anyway, look at that twat sunning himself while writing shit that gets taken seriously. And thingy off Lewis. Then again, he was hard done by, by the BBC, Equity, and Meghan Markle. Anyway, riots always end with the root causes being addressed and in some way righted - no, sorry, the establishment giving in to the hairies and wogs.

Once more for clarity, CUNT.
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Laurence Fox turned on Farage yesterday. The euphoria of Saturday has amusingly come crashing down as they turn on each other. I noticed Fox retweeted Sun-Lounger Tommeh at the weekend. If Fox had any friends left from his acting days then retweeting Robinson would surely be a line in the sand. I've often wondered what Kevin Whately thinks of him now. I know Rebecca Front has long since distanced herself when their paths crossed on Twitter.
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By Andy McDandy
Creative professions tend to attract thoughtful, broad minded and liberal types. Even if they're products of public schools, the likes of Eddie Redmayne and Hayley Attwell come across as quite chill people who appreciate the safety net their families' wealth provided when setting out in a precarious career. Fox always struck me as someone who relied entirely on his family name to get work playing basically himself.
By Youngian
Even his family is dissing him. In the TV spin off of Guy Richie’s the Gentleman, an aspiring young actor is terrified his career will be ruined if it’s discovered he’s a closet Nazi with a basement full of Third Reich memorabilia like the priest in Father Ted. The part is played by Laurence’s cousin Freddie Fox.
AOB liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... mists.html

More whataboutery from the cunt. Apparently the 'far left mobs' which have been turning up in...erm, their local communities and standing guard without punching a single police officer or setting fire to a library, are just as bad as the far right. Who aren't really far right anyway, just yobs on the lookout for a ruck.

Comments will not surprise you. I don't even think they make me lose faith in humanity though - as many have pointed out this week, internet noise doesn't mean anything in reality.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -home.html

Fuck all else to write about so here's the usual crap about tax, civil servants WFHing, DEI officers and public sector pay.

Lazy cunt.
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By Yug
First actual pay rise in over 10 years, which brings the pay up to where it would have been 4 years ago had proper pay rises been the norm under the Cuntservative government. This will have gone a long way towards cancelling any further disruptive industrial action in the public sector.

Dicky knows this but Dicky won't say it. Because Dicky is a mendacious shit-stirring cunt.
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