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By Malcolm Armsteen
Abernathy wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:52 pm
satnav wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:18 pm Apparently Lord Ashcroft has been bigging up Kemi Badenoch in the same way that he used to big up Liz Truss as excellent Tory leader.

He ‘s nothing.
By satnav
With more negative stories appearing about Badenoch yesterday her supporters are now claiming that she is being smeared because Labour fear that she will be an excellent leader of the opposition. Such claims are utterly delusional.

Her latest misdemeanor was to try and get officials in her department to pay for a private flight she was taking to America that wasn't related to her ministerial responsibilities. The officials obviously turned down her request which probably link in to some of the other allegations made against her of bullying her officials.
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By Crabcakes
Her thinking these are Labour smears underlines how stupid and arrogant she is - she’d be an absolute gift to Labour because she’s incompetent, openly corrupt on a level that would make Boris blush, and extraordinarily unpopular with the people who have to work with her.

Any smears coming her way are almost certainly from one of her rivals for the poisoned chalice.
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By Watchman
I think in this case the grown-ups, who have more important things to be getting on with, consider Tory infighting as an irrelevance and simply apply Napoleon's principle of not disturbing ones enemy when they are wallowing in mistakes of their own making.
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By Abernathy
satnav wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:55 am With more negative stories appearing about Badenoch yesterday her supporters are now claiming that she is being smeared because Labour fear that she will be an excellent leader of the opposition. Such claims are utterly delusional.
Echos of a familiar old Corbynite refrain: The "establishment" wasn't looking to attack Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader because he was shit and incompetent, oh no. It was because he was an immediate and present threat to their cosy sinecures.

Delusion is not confined to the left side of the political spectrum.
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By Crabcakes
Schroedinger’s trot - simultaneously so visionary, potent and revolutionary they could change everything for the better and as such are feared by everyone in ‘the establishment’, yet utterly unable to appeal to an audience outside of their own very small bubble and completely defeated by news stories about a hat they once wore.
By RedSparrows
Crabcakes wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:08 am Her thinking these are Labour smears underlines how stupid and arrogant she is - she’d be an absolute gift to Labour because she’s incompetent, openly corrupt on a level that would make Boris blush, and extraordinarily unpopular with the people who have to work with her.

Any smears coming her way are almost certainly from one of her rivals for the poisoned chalice.
This seems to be the Anglophone approach on the Right. Pick some absolute moron with questionable... everything, and then act like everyone's an evil wokie for disliking and critiquing them.

Talk about childish psychodramas.
By Bones McCoy
mattomac wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:34 pm It’s perfectly demonstrated by the moaning about two tier policing or in this case policing.
I, and most of you, recall when people of colour were on the wrong end of the boot (or gun).
What were they saying?
Nothing to fear if you obey the law.
Checkmate, Moseleyites!
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