:pray: 50 % :laughing: 50 %
By slilley
mattomac wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:31 pm Ironically probably helps Labour.

They might even be best choosing Braverman and hitting the the lowest of the low.
As I have said on this forum previously political parties never learn from the mistakes of others. The Conservative Party if they did chose Suella Braverman would be doing what Labour did in 1980 and picking Michael Foot but without the intellectual ballast. Then activists in the party thought the reason why Labour lost in 1979 was they were not socialist enough, some Conservatives (Braverman being one) seem to be falling into the trap of the reason for the defeat being they were not Conservative enough. They did lose votes to Reform I will grant you but tacking further right will leave a huge void which the Liberal Democrats will walk into unopposed as they appeal to Conservatives of the ilk of Ken Clarke and Dominic Grieve. In the last parliament the Lib Dems won several seats off the Conservatives in by-elections and held all of them a few weeks ago. In rural areas in particular there are some very angry folk at what Brexit has ended up doing to farming, not forgetting inaction over sewage in rivers and lakes etc.

Were Mrs Braverman to win, PMQs could be a turkey shoot for Kier Starmer week after week. her record in government is not exactly stellar and she is showing all the indications of wanting to fight culture war after culture war., fighting the last election rather than the next one. I am unsure as well whether she has the desire or indeed the heft to do the work to reorientate Conservative policy to make them electable. The last manifesto was a cobbled together mish mash of policies designed to appeal to just a small part of the electorate, I am refering to the Triple Lock Plus and National Service.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Now got a show on GB News. Where she can discuss the big topics like gender balance at Felixstowe Carnival. Though even the link she puts up says there are two (presumably female) princesses.

One might think gender balance among Tory MPs was a more worthy subject for consideration. 24% of them are women.

By Youngian
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:24 am Good reply to that stuff here. As he says in that thread, the OBR should be allowed to scrutinise a government's future plans. As things stand they can put any old bollocks in for future years.

I’m assuming the Tories are accusing Reeves of building up a war chest to spend nearer to the election without spooking the markets. Pity for the Tories that Liz Truss didn’t think of that.
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By Watchman
satnav wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:07 pm Suella has pulled out of the contest claiming that the Tories don't want to hear the truth about why they lost the election. In reality she was probably struggling to find 10 MPs stupid enough to nominate her.
Looks like she’s off to Deform then
By Philip Marlow
I think a combination of realising she doesn’t have the support in a crowded field and a strategic withdrawal in the hope of a shadow cabinet position should someone from the right of the party win is likelier than defection, but who knows with Braverman?

In a way her mere existence within the ranks is a help to Badenoch, who can push the same kind of culture war bullshit while coming off as ‘measured’, at least in comparison.
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