:laughing: 100 %
By Youngian
The surprise fifth Reform MP James Murdock in south Basildon and East Thurrock comes across as a really nice guy. Labour should woo this guy if he doesn’t turn out to be a charming kiddy fiddler.

Not quite that bad but nice guy in Reform did need a caveat.
Parliament would benefit from having some reformed offenders in their ranks but a former thug isn’t worth the political fallout.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I'll take a wild guess here and say that the "accounts" (what's just been published is an independent report commissioned by the last government) don't show that the main focus is on DEI. While it's clear there's been poor performance (already acknowledged with the appointment of a new interim chief executive) the halving in inspections has been partly due to a new framework being introduced. The target is to get back to the previous number of inspections this year- DEI or no DEI. And they certainly did DEI before 2020, but hey.

This is going to be the way for the whole Parliament. Whatever happens will be put down to black people and gays. Well done all the silly bastards who put them in Parliament.

As an aside, another nice shit sandwich Sunak left.

By Youngian
Some of Lee’s best friends are immigrants
My Friends.

Last week I made a post about our local Travelodge and here are the facts.

I'd received dozens of messages and emails from constituents who thought that our Travelodge had received two bus loads of illegal migrants and they were very concerned.

As the MP for the area the last thing I want is any community tensions that could lead to serious problems so I immediately contacted Travelodge who confirmed that there was no illegal migrants in the hotel.

I posted this on here because it was the truth.

I then found out that the two buses were in fact the family and friends of NHS workers at Kings Mill Hospital, therefore I posted again the explain this.

The media and left immediately began to attack me and started spreading more divisive information.

The NHS workers and their families were deeply upset at some of the comments under my post and I can completely understand that. These same people invited me to two of their festivals in the past year and I was guest speaker at one of the events.

These people are good, hardworking citizens who came here legally to work in our NHS.

That said they also have the same concerns as me in that they are very concerned about mass illegal migration. They recognise what a welcoming and tolerant country we are and they want to keep it that way. We might have a different skin colour but we are very similar in our outlook.

These people are my friends and I feel their pain in the same way they completely accept and understand why I made the post as the last thing I wanted was an angry mob turning up at the hotel.

I met with my Indian/British friends yesterday where they invited me to their next festival and I've invited them to do some charity events with me to raise money for good causes in Ashfield.

Bet the media doesn't report thus but you can by sharing this post.
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