:sunglasses: 28.6 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 32.1 % :cry: 25 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Just watched Kamala Harris' firstv rally speech.


Energy, directed attacks, appeals to women, the younger voter, middle America.

I think she's got it.
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By Abernathy
Just had a bit of a shufti at “Project 2025”, and it’s errrr, a bit terrifying.


Kamala, a great deal is riding on you, gal. Power to your elbow - these utter pricks must be stopped.
By Youngian
Didn’t look like a big audience but certainly sounded like one. Harris looked comfortable building on Biden’s radical social and economic ambitions. Her biggest weakness has been her word mangling public speaking but none of that here. Noticed she bought up gun control, she’s coming for MAGA.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Youngian wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:44 pm Didn’t look like a big audience but certainly sounded like one. Harris looked comfortable building on Biden’s radical social and economic ambitions. Her biggest weakness has been her word mangling public speaking but none of that here. Noticed she bought up gun control, she’s coming for MAGA.
3200. Not bad.
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:26 pm
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:21 pm

But if absolutely forced to a decision it'd be a Newmar / Pfeiffer final.
Berry/Hathaway for me.
And so the Catwoman threesomes drinking game was invented.
I feel sleazy to have been part of it, but so alive.

Let's boot that to the piss-dungeon corner of Mailwatch and return to our scheduled coverage of the US election.
By RedSparrows
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:26 pm
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:21 pm

But if absolutely forced to a decision it'd be a Newmar / Pfeiffer final.
Berry/Hathaway for me.

Pfieffer/Hathaway. Woof. Or rather, meowwww.
By Youngian
Extraordinary turn of events, Crooked Don’s slings and arrows of outrageous fortune are coming back on him fast.
Trump looked like he had it in the bag last month, he made being the most lucid candidate his ace card and then confidently picked a VP in the same mould as himself. Even if stubborn old Joe did step down, there was little time for a fractious leadership contest and he hadn’t prepared Harris as a successor. Who is a poor performer on the stump.
Well it turns out she isn’t, is out of the trap like a whippet and has her ducks lined up.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I've just watched Netanyahu arriving in Congress and being lauded and applauded - mostly by Republicans, it must be said.

I genuinely felt a bit of sick in my mouth. How fucking could they?
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By Yug
They can because, from a European perspective, American politics is a choice between a right-of-centre Party and a further right-of-centre Party. And the current GOP is teetering on the brink of becoming a far-right extremist Party.
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By Yug
The idea that the Democrats are left wing in any meaningful way doesn't hold water.

What have they done since Reagan's day to reverse his "trickle down" economic policy?

What have they done to sort out the unregulated free-market capitalist mess that is the healthcare sector?

What have they done about the unregulated labour market, where people can be hired and fired at will, and companies are free to cut employees' wages and tell them "if you don't like it, quit"?

What have they done to close tax loopholes to prevent situations where school teachers pay more in tax than billionaires? You can ask Elon Musk about this one.

What have they done about regulating the additives put in food as a matter of course, many of which are banned on this side of the Atlantic for very good reasons?

What have they done about the insane situation where an unstable indiviual's right to possess firearms outweighs other people's right to live? I know Harris has said something about this, but she ain't President yet.

The fact that, for the past few decades at least, they've been happy to maintain the status quo suggests they don't have any real right to claim to be left-wing. While they are left-of-centre in the US, the political centre ground in the USA is much further to the right than it is in most European countries.

I think Obama, Biden, and Harris are probably more socialist than America has seen in a long time, but I don't think any of them are particularly left-wing by European standards. They are left-wing only in relation to the Republican Party. Don't forget, it was a Conservative government which legalised gay marriage in England and Wales.

Passing laws legalising gay marriage and trans rights etc is meaningless without the corresponding legislation to criminalise the words and deeds of the haters.

What Trump disparagingly refers to as "Obamacare" has the bizarre result of the Federal government paying a lot more per head for 'socialised' healthcare than the UK government does*, and the American people getting far less for it, because a large chunk of that money is being legally siphoned off as profit.

*Over 30% more, from what I have seen.
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By Abernathy
Times Radio played about 3 minutes of a live feed of Trump addressing one of his rallies, in South Carolina.

It ‘s very strange. Basically, all he does is stand there and hurl abuse at his opponents. Biden is “the worst American president ever”. Harris is “lying”’ and is the worst, most liberal (in American politics, “liberal” is a term of abuse) politician ever, worse than Bernie Saunders.

And, err, that’s it. There are no attempts at jokes, wit, or levity of any kind. His speech is full of non-sequiturs : at one point rambling on about “beautiful girls” from South Carolina, to no apparent purpose. No substance, no positive policy proposals, nothing.

And all the while, several thousand half-wits in red MAGA baseball caps are cheering and clapping every baffling line .

Fuck. A. Duck.
By Oboogie
Abernathy wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:45 am Times Radio played about 3 minutes of a live feed of Trump addressing one of his rallies, in South Carolina.

It ‘s very strange. Basically, all he does is stand there and hurl abuse at his opponents. Biden is “the worst American president ever”. Harris is “lying”’ and is the worst, most liberal (in American politics, “liberal” is a term of abuse) politician ever, worse than Bernie Saunders.
Indeed and it's not limited to Trump. Tonight I learned the meaning of the phrase "Hawk Tuah" (once I'd deciphered what was being said). Every day's a schoolday *sigh*
By Youngian
Expect Trump and Vance to further put their foot in it by going after Harris’s ‘cuck’ husband Doug Emhoff. Who comes across as a sound stable grownup that surburban women in particular take a big shine to.

This putrid name calling is all the more absurd as there’s plenty of legitimate attack lines where Harris is vulnerable; California’s crime rate and economic woes and inaction on the border on her watch. Which was a shit sandwich Biden handed to her and it’s been noted that he did little to elevate Harris during her VP tenure. That however is pretty normal, POTUS doesn’t want successful tall poppies rising or inept Veeps with too much power.
This election is far from in the bag for Harris and she’s still an unknown as to whether she can go the distance.
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