:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
Former Corbyn strategy and communications deputy chief.

Who wants to "destroy Russia"? It's a multi-polar world means "Fuck off Eastern Europe", you're too near Russia. I'll go for the "war faction" that doesn't want to let Russia take over Eastern Europe and doesn't want to annihilate China either.

This is why people like me didn't like this lot. Not because I hate the idea of the state running trains, or whatever.

The Weeping Angel liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
Here's another of his. For fuck's sake. This is world's oldest teenager stuff. It's always Julian Assange, isn't it? Country tries to prosecute bloke who gave away a load of its secrets! That doesn't require any conspiracy. See how others in the "multipolar world" would have dealt with it.

I used to be into JFK stuff, having been very impressed by Central TV's The Men Who Killed Kennedy in 1988, and especially Anthony Summers' book, Conspiracy. The thing that most impresed me (a recording on a police motorbike dictabelt that seemed to suggest extra shots) was all but proven bollocks later. So I dropped that stuff. Steve Howell sounds like he's still onboard.

Arrowhead liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
This is the reason for Labour's plans to reform the planning system. Plan for the greater good.
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By Yug
I don't think he inspired those four pictured on the right. They actually achieved things. People who are inspired by Corbyn just tell each other how wonderfully politically pure they are while telling everyone else to fuck off and join the Tories. They don't actually do anything that might lead to an achievement*.

*Except election defeats, and achievements like those we can do without.
Spoonman, Oboogie liked this
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By Watchman
Youngian wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:01 pm Not a cult.
Inspired a generation to see Boris Johnson as the best choice for PM. An extraordinary feat.
That is totally off the trolley
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By Tubby Isaacs
Shut up, Jez. The Government has called it out and is funding extra security for mosques.
“Instead of pandering to those who have helped ferment the ugly racism behind these protests, we expect our Government to call out the bigotry and Islamophobia behind them and stand shoulder to shoulder with its victims.

“We reject any narrative that seeks to blame asylum seekers and immigrant communities for the decades of austerity and the subsequent decline in stable and well-paid jobs that has eroded the fabric of once-secure communities.”
Note the idiotic pivot to "economic anxiety" there. And completely made up "decades of austerity". This is the sort of drivel we used to get with football hooliganism, whereby people with money to travel up and down the country every fortnight getting shitfaced (and to the continent, if their team were in it) were seen as poor. They weren't, they were arseholes. And that's what a lot of these people will be. It wouldn't matter if PM Jez delivered 10% growth every year. They'd want to string him up because he was too nice to immigrants and gays.
Last edited by Tubby Isaacs on Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Andy McDandy
The likes of the ICF were making a mint doing up the docklands and flogging ecstasy (or 'taxing' those doing so). Their entire schtick was that they were richer and better dressed than the provincial berks they fought, to the entire inter-city thing. So much more expensive and luxurious than the naff football special trains.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Yep. See also the Chelsea Headhunters. Jason Marriner had a tyre business, apparently legit (I expect the cops had a good look at it) in Hampton.

It's an odd echo of the far right's view that people who run amok are the real working class. Just because you shave your head and put on an England shirt doesn't make you deprived.
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