:sunglasses: 28.6 % :pray: 14.3 % :laughing: 32.1 % :cry: 25 %
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:30 pm What are they supposed to do? A political event happens, they comment on it. Are they supposed to stay quiet until all the facts are known, or a suitable period of mourning has taken place? If that was the case, we'd better shut down journalism and commentary full stop.

It's a podcast. Nobody's forced to access it, or agree with it.
Classic Xitter whingers.
* Say someting - "Too Soon", "Wait for the facts" *.
* Say nothing - "Why wasn't Starmer woken up to post a tweet" **
* Be reflective - "You're encouraging the violent murdering libs".

* I listened to the podcast and they didn't overly speculate. What they did was cite examples form their own experience about similar incidents. They both admired Trump's chutzpah in seizing the moment for the epic photograph".

** It was something like 10:30pm here, but a statesman communicates privately, or waits for facts to be established.
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By kreuzberger
That photograph is beyond remarkable and nothing more or less than a brief moment, frozen in time. Sometimes, these things are documentary, and on other occasions, they create a narrative all of their own via serendipitous moments. All things considered, the Associated Press photojournalist Evan Vucci is a man blessed with genius and that's another Pulitzer vying for a place on his mantelpiece.

In other news, we were at a grill party this evening - the Kreuzette celebrates her birthday tomorrow. It was a mixed crowd; ageing punk music business people, HR professionals, and a few nice, sober types who we have picked up along the way. Plus, a beagle.

The settled view was that the world would have been a better place had Trump taken that lead between the eyes.
By RedSparrows
Trump's words are always 'taken out of context' according to the fanclub, but the BBC are LIARS for saying he was... rushed off stage...? I'm not sure there's anyone out there saying 'this wasn't an attempted assassination', is there?!

By Youngian
Headbangers getting excited about Crook appearing as an extra an advert for investment giant BlackRock. They’re moneybags lizard people or something.
Even more bizarre is the suggestion Crook was an embittered Nikki Haley supporter. Who the heck would take up arms to defend Haley’s honour? Although a member of Charles Manson’s family tried to shoot President Ford. And wasn’t John Hinckley Jr motivated to shoot Reagan because of some crush on Jodie Foster? What a country.
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By Samanfur
And the Manson disciple tried to shoot Ford because then she could call him as a witness at her trial, he'd be on TV, everyone would listen to him, and he'd save the world.

Lynette Fromme, for anyone who's interested.
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By The Weeping Angel
Philip Marlow wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 9:45 am Oh for…

Odd he never mentioned them in his oval office address instead he mentioned things like the attack on Paul Pelosi*, January 6th or the attempt to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.

* I'll never forget when those assholes at Chapo thought that was hilarious.
By satnav
It looks like most of the media in America and in this country now believe that Trump is bound to be the next president. So now we are seeing all this fawning nonsense about Trump being some kind of hero. But he isn't a hero. A fireman entering a burning building is a hero a policeman pursuing an armed suspect is an hero. When Trump stuck his fist in the air he didn't know if he had been hit by a bullet or a stone. When he went on stage he wrongly assumed that the security services had got his back.

Since the shooting there has been little mention of his criminal conviction or of the court case which basically concluded that he had committed rape.
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By RedSparrows
Has he mentioned the dead attendee?

Musk tweeted that Trump is the toughest president since Teddy R.

This is the thing with the right. It's not just their stuff is disagreeable, it's that their shtick is demonstrably false, wrong and self-serving. But it works with just enough...
By Youngian
satnav wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 11:03 pm It looks like most of the media in America and in this country now believe that Trump is bound to be the next president. So now we are seeing all this fawning nonsense about Trump being some kind of hero.
The public can become bored of these narratives very quickly. Vietnam vet John Kerry thought he could salute his way to the White House up against a draft dodger. If this happened to Biden, would the media believe him to be home and dry? Doubt it because he wouldn’t.
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