:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 10 % :laughing: 60 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
Killer Whale wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 12:15 pm What's the modelling? It doesn't seem to want to admit how it has been worked out. Presumably, they've looked at demographic profiles of voters combined with census profiles of wards. That would account for, say isolated reform wards in the deprived parts of central Wales towns, I suppose (Aber Penparcau, Llandrindod North).

I don't think it's to be taken too seriously, though, having seen the sampling around Carmarthen town during the count.
It does look plausible in terms of what I know about places, certainly, both in Neath and Gloucestershire (haven't looked at London). But where would they get actual vote data from?
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By Crabcakes
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:22 pm I have had this brought to my attention.
This gentleman came 10th out of 1o, with 98 votes...


Have a read...
On this basis, I think he did exceptionally well to even snag last place.
By Bones McCoy
There's a guy on another forum I frequent who writes like that.
Sometimes we can understand what he's saying, somethings just too many words are missing.

If I'd done Gove's English grammar curriculum, I'd know what's missing.

=== OR ===

Guy on other forum writes like.
Some understand, sometimes too much missing.

Gove Grammar knows what.

I don't know whether it's a "condition" or an attempt to channel Joyce, Kerouac, Hemingway and Camus.
They guy on the forum just comes across as unhinged.
Perhaps worse, he never creates the discussions he appears to crave, as other readers are left in "question, statement or comment" limbo when reading it.

Mistah Kurtz - he dead!
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