:sunglasses: 11.1 % :pray: 44.4 % :laughing: 22.2 % :cry: 22.2 %
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By Watchman
Braverman thinks occasionally flying a Pride flag on Govt/Local authority buildings indicates "occupied territory", clearly she's not aware of what's happening in the Ukraine
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By Tubby Isaacs
Not that I'm a fan of Badenoch, you understand, but this from Braverman is a whole different league. Badenoch at least had the trade brief to keep her grounded and when she had to, she told the ERG not to be so silly.

Braverman seems more like Andrew Bridgen, no control at all.
Youngian, Arrowhead liked this
By Rosvanian
Speaking of culture wars, I had my eyes opened at work (in the NHS) yesterday when somehow I got around to discussing the word 'woke' with some of my colleagues. Well, I would have if they'd actually heard of 'woke' and 'culture war'. A 30-year old white British woman, a late 50s white British woman and a late 20s Malaysian man had no idea what I was talking about. All of us were wearing a rainbow lanyard. Braverman et al need to try harder if they're going to divide us.
Arrowhead liked this
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By Crabcakes
I really, really want Braverman to win it now. She’d be fucking *awful*, and abhorrent with it. Much harder for anyone to make any sort of argument against Labour doing good things in office like sorting out asylum when the leader of their main political opponents is such an unlikeable, bitter, stupid bigot that it won’t be long before she’s just openly calling for concentration camps and people to be shot on sight. And she’d demand absolute loyalty too. They’d be at each other like rats in a sack, where the sack is just another layer of even more angry rats.

The contrast between Labour and the Tories after the last 14 years and then the first week post-election is already stark - Braverman as LOTO would turn it up to 11 and remind everyone why they need to be kept out.
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By Abernathy
I think I agree. Braverman would be awful, but a different kind of awful to Truss, who was, I’d venture, more thick and clueless than outright malevolent. And she’d be as bad as Johnson, but minus the “Good ‘Ol Boris” factor that arguably enabled him to win elections.

Step forward, Leader Suella !
By RandomElement
The latest YouGov poll on gay marriage is nearly 80% in favour; this is not going to win many votes.
The Venn diagram of those people left opposing gay marriage, LGBT+ causes and supporting her rhetoric are going to be almost a concentric circle with those who may have some non-political reasons why Braverman is unsuitable as leader.
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By Crabcakes
RandomElement wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:35 pm The Venn diagram of those people left opposing gay marriage, LGBT+ causes and supporting her rhetoric are going to be almost a concentric circle with those who may have some non-political reasons why Braverman is unsuitable as leader.
This is exactly it. Braverman is trying to attract a group of people who:
* hate gays
* hate immigrants (and by ‘immigrant’ I mean anyone not white regardless of how long their family may have lived in the U.K.)
* hate anyone under 60
* hate women
But also:
* would happily vote for a young Asian woman to be in charge of them.

Which just goes to show quite how astoundingly stupid and egotistical she is. If she delivered the world the demographic she’s attempting to appeal to would like, there’d be a Farage along to eject her once she’d served the purpose of giving the white male bigots cover. Her biggest asset in terms of self-preservation is that she’s so shit she can’t do well enough to pose a genuine danger to herself.
By satnav
I think most of her recent remarks have clearly been aimed at the Tory grassroot members who will have the final say in who will be the next leader. But many of these remarks are bound to alienate many members of the parliamentary party.

She probably needs to get thew support of just over 50 MPs in order to et into the top 2 in the final ballot but I'm not sure that there are over 50 right wing headbangers left in the parliamentary party.

Even if she does get elected how many of the grown ups in the party would be happy to serve in her shadow cabinet. I'd be surprised if the likes of Jeremy Hunt would be comfortable in a shadow cabinet and many other former ministers will be eyeing up lucrative directorships in the city, making a small fortune in the city has got to be more appealing than opposing a government with a large majority.
slilley liked this
By slilley
In a previous post I said that political parties rarely learn from the mistakes of other parties. Suella Braverman in one speech has just proved this. The Conservative Party need to take their time and do a detailed analysis of why they were so soundly beaten. That will have to encompass everything from candidate selection, election timing, policy, the campaign messaging and organisation, the party organisation, Partygate, three leaders in 4 months, Owen Paterson and all the other MP scandals there were.

There are not simplistic solutions to their problems which have been growing for several years. Until they address those issues and structural failings they are going to be going nowhere.

The chances though of Suella listening to me are nil and thats fine.
By soulboy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 4:13 pm I know you've seen quite enough of this already, but just watch the start.

They've clearly dubbed in that applause, possibly from the World Indoor Bowls Championship at Potters Resort, Norfolk. First game after lunch and most of the old ducks were sleeping off their meal. Someone had rolled the first bowl of the end to about 18 inches shy of the jack.
Tubby Isaacs liked this
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By Crabcakes
Braverman has completely lost the plot. Even her own right-wing Tory supporters have binned her off, but it’s still ‘liberals’ at fault.

Her leadership bid is going to crash and burn, and I reckon she’ll defect to Reform. Which Nigel will hate as she’s as big an egomaniac as he is.

Seems like the implosion of the Tory party is only just getting started!

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By Crabcakes
Watchman wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:10 pm On the other hand; Nigel would love her to join...."Racist? Misogynistic?........Us?"
I think he’d make the right noises at first, but he has never liked not being the biggest fish in whatever awful pond he’s in. He’s already whined about not getting enough attention from GB news during the election (which he is literally a presenter on), and has a lot of form for quitting and flouncing off. Let’s also not forget that he’s there because Tice finds him useful - and Tice is quite possibly an even bigger arsehole than Farage. A potential Reform leadership contest after a falling out could be quite the follow-up to a bruising Tory leadership contest 😁
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