:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Abernathy
Well, the Tories' latest campaign fuck-up, a true mark of their utter desperation and out-of-touch fuckwittedness, is to wheel on the man who is the very living, breathing embodiment of the chaos, corruption and incompetence that was at the core of their 14 year s of shitting on everything in this country. The man whose cabinet members in fucking droves resigned to bring him down only 3 years ago. The proven liar who ran away from parliament rather than face his punishment. The man who partied, ignoring pandemic rules, while normal folk were deciding which 12 relatives to invite to Nan's funeral.

Yeah, that'll do the trick.

Fuck A. Duck.
Oboogie, Watchman, Spoonman and 2 others liked this
By Oboogie
Agree 100% with Abers. Sunak's best (only) hope was to try to distance himself from Johnson. Wheeling out him out now to remind the electorate of the mishandling of Partygate, Covid and the unmitigated damage done by Brexit is insane. I wonder how many non-voters have been shaken out of their apathy by his reminder of just how terrible this government has been?
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By Andy McDandy
Also, if you're just releasing a photo for the front pages, you can choose the best one, tidy it up and crop it. A video clip though? No disguising the voice, the appearance, the general fuckedness of it all.
Oboogie liked this
By Bones McCoy
The copium is flowing at ConservativeHome.

The Progressive Establishment ranging from Labour, to the civil service to the trade unions, with the help of Tory remoaners broke the back of Britain and in the process the Tory right and have 'won' the position of greatest minority by posturing themselves as the solution to the multiple crisises that they helped to create.
This is a 'win' for Establishment politics, not the politics of the people with a turnout of 57%. Essentially Labour have won with 24% share of the vote.

Bad Loser
Truss couldn't even carry out the mere formality of delivering a concession speech, congratulating her opponent. She has no class.

A lucid moment
If I've understood a lot of the commentators in the press and below the line at present, the party that led their manifesto offerings on National Service and Rwanda just wasn't right-wing enough and needs to do a deal with Reform, who just got the same number of votes UKIP got in 2015.

We are now reaping the failure of Camerons insistance of CPHQ imposing wet liberal candidates on constituencies, Hopefully most have been dispatched and the Party can reform as a TRUE Conservative party
by allowing local member the choice of who they want .

Slipper Spiv can celebrate all he wants but the sound of Knives being sharpened by Rayner, Momentum and Corbyn (should he cross the floor) will become deafening.

Err ???
For all the libdem Tories that got re-elected time to shut up and cross the floor and join clown Davey.
I'm sure Ed would enjoy becoming leader of the opposition.

That's voter suppression, that is.
Given the patheticly low vote share labour has. The King should remind Kier has a very weak mandate from the his subjects to form HM Govenrment. Perhpas Charles should ask to see the labour manifesto and get the spider pen out?

Reform, the morning after.
But … Reform has gained 4 seats …. the Lib Dem’s have gained 71.

Farage didn’t even have the honour to step aside from constituencies with sitting MPs with whom he supposedly shares some common ground. Rees Mogg lost his seat thanks to Reform, as one example. And quite frankly, the likes of Nokes and Hunt remain in the party. Cates has gone. My hard working Tory MP has gone, thanks to a Reform candidate who didn’t even live in the area.

Still, at least Farage gets to make his point. Let’s see how he and the other 3 fare against the Westminster machine. And let’s see how Reform perform against Labour, who will at least in part be aided by the Lib Dem’s and Greens.

I will agree that the Tories failed, but what will the country look like by the next election?

Reform nutjob speaks.
Glorious, glorious morning. The ConSocialists utterly anhiliated, a load of 'Adults back in charge wets' losing their seats and best of all Reform up and running with nearly 15% of the vote....not bad for 4 weeks....oh and Starmer already with a worse vote share than Corbyn as a load of the public don't bother voting.
Hopefully the Tories announce MP's will chose their next leader and get another Lib Dem in so they end up with even less seats next time.

A drift to the right; what on Earth are you talking about? The so called Conservative government moved somewhere to the left of Blair, having been packed with Cameron’s LibDem chums who were parachuted in by CCHQ.

Roll on January 6th.
Can't believe the numbers I'm reading this morning. We should be challenging each and every lost seat.... we won't change results officially but we could save face by saying it was all rigged and the 'real' result is a loss by 10 or 20 seats. The humility shown by accepting that we did have some form of loss would show we're not total fantasists.
Spoonman liked this
By RedSparrows
What fucking planet are these people on? Where, WHERE, are the left wing policies the Tories enacted? Point them out. Are they in the room now?

Absolutely fucking deranged.

Oh, and minority vote wins are scams?

By Bones McCoy
RedSparrows wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:39 pm What fucking planet are these people on? Where, WHERE, are the left wing policies the Tories enacted? Point them out. Are they in the room now?

Absolutely fucking deranged.

Oh, and minority vote wins are scams?

Those are the people who voted Truss in as PM, and later picked Sunak from a list of two.
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By Tubby Isaacs
RedSparrows wrote: Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:39 pm What fucking planet are these people on? Where, WHERE, are the left wing policies the Tories enacted? Point them out. Are they in the room now?

Absolutely fucking deranged.

Oh, and minority vote wins are scams?

The left wing policies are basically having higher taxes than Thatcher (on account of an older population and relative lack of North Sea Oil freebies and almost complete absence of privatisation proceeds) and immigration.
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By Andy McDandy
Oh yes, and furlough. Apparently it was a bad thing to pay people to stay at home, as opposed to huge sections of the population going destitute, losing their homes, and likely turning to crime in an unprecedented wave.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
"Fuck 'em. It's their own fault"

says every 86 year old white male Tory member...
By Youngian
Err ???
For all the libdem Tories that got re-elected time to shut up and cross the floor and join clown Davey.
I'm sure Ed would enjoy becoming leader of the opposition.

If there were 25-30 centrist Tories that formed a breakaway faction like the SDP and hooked up with the Lib Dems, how would that work constitutionally? Would the Tories with less MPs have to vacate official opposition status?
In reality it would be surprising if there’s even five Heidi Allens and Rory Stewarts in the current parliamentary party.
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