:laughing: 100 %
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By Crabcakes
And so, the loyal turn on the loyal again and the group of *true* true believers gets ever smaller. But good work on them getting the sabotage story out early to excuse what happens when he loses.

You know, instead of a vote being a demonstration of his personal popularity vs the popularity of his former party, and it turning out he isn’t unquestioningly beloved by all after all.
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By Crabcakes
I suspect the absolute boy has taken his safe seat for granted for years, believed his own hype in that *all* the votes were for him rather than Labour because his local party and machinery have always been for him/skewed his way, and is about to find out - for the third time now - that a big crowd of friendly true believers he’s preaching to at the end of a nice safe rally about a topic he likes is actually a really lousy indicator of the voting trends of the wider public.
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By Crabcakes
Owen Jones is now claiming that Corbyn would easily win if he spoke to everyone in his constituency so they knew who he was and who was standing for what, and that the issue is he launched his campaign too late “out of loyalty to Labour”.

Well, (1) Corbyn has consistently never been loyal to Labour and happily voted against the whip/slagged off leader after leader, so…no. And (2) he has been their MP for *40 years*. How much more awareness is needed?

If Corbyn launched late, it’s because he either didn’t get round to it or believed he’d sail home without challenge. And bear in mind he could have left at any time and been ready to launch, but has never ever had the courage to put his money where his mouth is until he’s been forced to.
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By Abernathy
Do you think Jezza realised that posing for pictures with a bloke dressed as a dinosaur risked exposing him to all kinds of "spot the real dinosaur" ridicule? No, of course he didn't. Yet another illustration of why this bloke was THE worst leader the Labour Party could ever have had.
Jezzasaurus.jpg (84.7 KiB) Viewed 3294 times
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By Andy McDandy
Not just the dinosaur, but what looks awfully like an illuminati symbol round its neck.

Not sure including the bloke who seems to have either jelly legs or to have pappered his keks helps either.

Meanwhile here's a thing from the New Statesman about Jez's campaigning - largely pro-him, but read between the lines and it hints at his main problem - he's talking about big and vague ideas and international socialist revolution, while as he acknowledges, huge numbers of people in his constituency have serious problems that could do with his help here and now.

https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2 ... gton-north
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By Crabcakes
I assume Jennie Formby would prefer Labour poured money into ideological battles, regardless of how winnable the seats are - because it’s more important to be seen to be really complaining as hard as you can against people you really don’t like than actually beating people you probably also don’t like but who will earn you less kudos with your peers as they’re not big enough villains.

Wonder how that would work out? If only we had an example where a party she was general secretary of had done exactly that in an election :roll:
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By Crabcakes
davidjay wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 11:15 pm If anyone wants (even more) evidence of how Corbyn's supporters caused so much damage to Labour, just imagine any grown-up party having a General Secretary so utterly unaware of such a basic aspect of electioneering.
You can almost understand it though. When every other post you’ve stood for or ballot you’ve run has been about who can appeal most to a homogenous group across a narrow field of criteria, the concept of trying to broadly appeal to a base of mixed opinion must seem completely alien.

Or to put it another way, pouring 100k into leafleting Sir Bufton Tufton’s ultra-safe Tory Cotswolds seat with material saying Tory MPs and supporters are scum will, unsurprisingly, not have them turn out in their hundreds to vote you in regardless of how much Seumas Milne says he fucking loves it.
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By Crabcakes
Targeting winnable seats so Tory policies can be undone = extinguishing hope

Throwing money at a completely unwinnable seat to look good to a tiny minority of worthiness-obsessed commenters = fighting fascism

I don’t want Farage to win Clacton - no one decent does. But the next most likely to win is the Tory, so *not* burning cash there is actually the most likely way he won’t get elected.

The short sightedness is staggering.
Oboogie liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
It's all about the performance, not the outcome.
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