:sunglasses: 13.3 % :pray: 13.3 % :laughing: 66.7 % :cry: 6.7 %
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By Yug
davidjay wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:36 pm
Crabcakes wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:28 pm This pro-Putin shite might lose him a lot of votes - he’s obviously covering his arse with the Trump loyalists and probably his own paymasters, but I doubt it’ll go down well with the ‘sport are troops’ mob

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ar ... gel-farage
Farage's voters care about two things at most - too many foreigners and you can't say what you think these days.
We should let Manfrog supporters say what they think. A bit of silence would be lovely.
Arrowhead, davidjay, Oboogie liked this
By davidjay
Youngian wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:56 pm Corbyn’s similar conspiratorial views about the West and Russia didn’t do him much good. Luckily for Farage, he won’t be plastered over the tabloids for a week and every BBC current affairs show discussing his pitch for Putin.
Corbyn's views fed into the narrative that he hates Britain. Farage is just a bit wrong on a minor detail.
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By Abernathy
I dare say that Nick Robinson has done the nation a bit of a service in highlighting the massive disconnect between Farage’s USP/persona as the ultra-patriotic, Churchillian, sock-it-to-em, xenophobic champion, and his ridiculous defence of the belligerently ambitious Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin.

I’m rather surprised that much more doesn’t seem to have been made of this in the media until now.

Of course, Farage is a raging hypocrite in multiple other ways, but this has got to be the real zinger, surely to Bog. His view on Putin is pretty bloody congruent with that of the Blessed St Jeremy of Islington North.
Oboogie, Andy McDandy liked this
By Youngian
His view on Putin is pretty bloody congruent with that of the Blessed St Jeremy of Islington North.

Boris Johnson also propagated the NATO and EU aggression myth up until Ukraine’s invasion. As you can see from his Slavic affairs advisor. Bozo is much quicker at reaching for the exit.
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By safe_timber_man
Farage has dropped a bollock with this Putin stuff but I'm not sure if it does actually make any difference in the polls and outcome? The Mail comments under any article about Russia have been Pro Putin for years now, regardless of Farage. It's awkward for the 'patriotic Daily Mail' but they juggle it to keep both sides happy. But all his Reform voters will 100% agree with him on this and those who seem surprised by Farage's Russia position clearly haven't been paying attention. But they were never going to vote for him anyway, and his voters agree with him. The undecided voters? I don't think this really lands them with, to be honest. We'll see how the polls go after these comments but I don't think it's a game changer. It bloody should be, but if you're not paying that much attention, like the majority of the electorate, it'll just be met with shrugs.

Quick question after watching that clip Abers posted - if you lived in Clacton would you vote Tories to keep Farage out, if that's what it came down to?
By Bones McCoy
On July 5th, we will find out how many of these

"I'm a (stereotype here) and I will be voting @reform @NigelFarage"

Are bots.

Received my Postal voting papers today.
All candidates have addresses in the constituency, except one.

Morag Mcrae (Reform) who hails form Derbyshire South.

I'm guessing they won't have much door knocking going on.
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By safe_timber_man
Bones McCoy wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:03 pm On July 5th, we will find out how many of these

"I'm a (stereotype here) and I will be voting @reform @NigelFarage"

Are bots.
"All of my family/everyone I know are voting Reform". Bots, thousands of 'em.

Reform obviously aren't going to be pose any sort of real threat in this election but the online discourse is exactly like during Brexit, when I thought it was just amplified noise. Which does worry me a bit as I underestimated the genuine stupidity of voters at the time. I started off predicting maybe 1 seat for Reform - Farage. Then maybe 3-5 seats, but now I think it's going to be quite a few more. Still, I'll take that if it means Farage actually having to do some fucking work and be held to account.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Bots, sir! Thousands of 'em!
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By kreuzberger
Bones McCoy wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:18 pm Jay Slater
I don't tend to stray too far off-piste on social media, so I hadn't seen much of the coverage. I had just heard the BBC story and felt probably justifiable concern that an adventurous teen had disappeared on the first overseas jaunt "without his mother".

What seems to have not made the reports is that this was because his passport needed to be surrendered to the police while awaiting the outcome of a trial involving gang violence and - er - a machete. He was found guilty.
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