:sunglasses: 32 % :pray: 16 % :laughing: 36 % :cry: 12 % :🤗 4 %
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By Crabcakes
Nigredo wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:17 am
It's just astonishing how bad he is at this. You'd assume he's been coached by someone or some sort of media team, but given his performances either they're also awful, or he's so awful that this is the best you get *after* the turd has been polished.

Either that or the desertions and abandonments are so bad they're into "Trump lawyer" territory and having to take absolutely any no-hoper on as no one else wants the gig.
By Bones McCoy
PM's protection officer arrested over alleged bets

A police officer working as part of the prime minister’s close protection team has been arrested over alleged bets about the timing of the general election, the BBC has learned.

The officer was initially suspended by the Metropolitan Police and then arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office.

Mr Sunak announced 4 July as the date of the general election on 22 May, taking much of Westminster by surprise.

The Gambling Commission is looking into alleged betting offences connected to the date of the election.

Craig Williams MP who also bet on the election date not arrested.
By satnav
I seem to remember that during Covid there were a number of occasions when news of lockdowns were leaked before official announcements. At the time the four possible culprits were Johnson, Sunak, Hancock and Gove. Recent developments would suggest that Sunak is probably the chief suspects when it comes to leaks.
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A second Tory candidate investigated. The first investigated (and arrested) was police so this is the third person? That police officer placed the bet himself. Idiot. I'm sure he tipped other people off too (no doubt the genius used text etc to leave a cyber trail) but he should have got a mate to put the money on for himself. Only a £100 bet it was, so a couple of grand returns maybe- I can't be arsed checking what the odds were but I guess 20-1 absolute tops. So we're not talking Far East Premier League Betting Syndicate amounts. Worth losing your job and pension over?
By davidjay
AOB wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:30 am A second Tory candidate investigated. The first investigated (and arrested) was police so this is the third person? That police officer placed the bet himself. Idiot. I'm sure he tipped other people off too (no doubt the genius used text etc to leave a cyber trail) but he should have got a mate to put the money on for himself. Only a £100 bet it was, so a couple of grand returns maybe- I can't be arsed checking what the odds were but I guess 20-1 absolute tops. So we're not talking Far East Premier League Betting Syndicate amounts. Worth losing your job and pension over?
Yes, if all you care about is money and you have an absolute sense of entitlement that rules don't apply to you.
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By Andy McDandy
Whatever the result, I just know that two weeks today, that fucker Gove or someone like him will be all over the airwaves insisting that the result proves the real losers of the night were Labour, and the message from the electorate was for the Tories to do what they're doing, but harder.
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By Killer Whale
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:12 am Whatever the result, I just know that two weeks today, that fucker Gove or someone like him will be all over the airwaves insisting that the result proves the real losers of the night were Labour, and the message from the electorate was for the Tories to do what they're doing, but harder.
There will be plenty of people ready to argue that the Tories need to move further to the (populist) right in order to accommodate Reform voters. Let them. It's a dead end.
By Bones McCoy
Killer Whale wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:26 am
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:12 am Whatever the result, I just know that two weeks today, that fucker Gove or someone like him will be all over the airwaves insisting that the result proves the real losers of the night were Labour, and the message from the electorate was for the Tories to do what they're doing, but harder.
There will be plenty of people ready to argue that the Tories need to move further to the (populist) right in order to accommodate Reform voters. Let them. It's a dead end.
Twitter and Conservativehome are full of them.
We have no way of telling how numerous or influential they are.
Liz Truss' win in the last Tory membership (as opposed to MP) vote provides a clue.

What they say:
* "LibLabCon", "LibDamp party leadership", "Real Conservatives", "Leftist Johnson", "Marxist Sunak", "Woke", "Blob".

What they want:
* Purge the Libdamps.
* Proper conservative policies (tm).
* Merger with Farage.
* Imprison Judges.
* Sack the Civil Service.
* Free stuff for loyal Tories.
By slilley
AOB wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:07 am Looking at the GE betting, 8-1 the odds are for the Tories getting 150-199 seats caught my eye. When push comes to shove, I don't think they'll get less than 100. Odds of 12-5 for 125-149 aren't enticing, I could see them getting around 160, a loss of 200 seats, which falls into the 8-1 odds bracket.
I guess the benchmark has to be doing better than John Major in 1997. He got 165 seats. The way the polling is going that could be a high point. Tactical voting is going to play a huge factor this time around and there are plenty of folk out there preparing to go down that road to be rid of the Conservatives.

The revelations over the last few days about people betting on the date of the election is just another example of one rule for us that has pervaded this government since 2019. Johnson wasn’t deposed because of eating cake it was the serial lying about parties, Pincher, and the like. This just feeds more confirmation into that narrative.

I would be delighted if Ed Davey became Leader of the Opposition, it would mean the Conservative Party would probably be out of power for many years to come.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Bones McCoy wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:36 pm Meet Rishi:
Hates youths and badgers.

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