:laughing: 100 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Good article. For a Tory I quite like Henry Hill - he's a realist in a world of fantasists.
By Youngian
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:53 pm Good article. For a Tory I quite like Henry Hill - he's a realist in a world of fantasists.
He makes a salient point here that won’t win him any plaudits. Trying to convince people on our own side that wage stagnation is not just down to Osborne, Brexit or the banking crash can be hard work.
The UK’s GDP per capita (the actually important measure of how prosperous we are, not how many people we’ve added to the economy) has been flat since 2007, as have real wages.
By satnav
I can't believe that the BBC 10 o' clock news has just devoted the first 10 minutes of the bulletin to the Reform Party manifesto. Whilst they did point out its many failings a party that is only likely to pick up a handful of seats really shouldn't be getting that amount of coverage in the news. Newsnight are also going to be giving coverage to the manifesto as well.
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By Abernathy
Yes, I’m sick of the undue prominence being given to Farage and his swivel-eyed followers.

His manifesto - sorry, contract is full of utter shite. Policies that if they were ever enacted would have the country on its fucking knees within 6 months. Hateful crap from beginning to end.

Farage is such a bloody grifter. And so is that cunt Habib.
By Youngian
Imagine how McDonnell or Reeves would be treated if they came out with Reform’s fag packet economic proposals. We’d never hear the last of it from morning to sunset. It’s an opportunity for Labour to grab a few more Conservative waverers who might be looking at Reform.
Andrew Neil has at least put his big boy trousers back on for the GE
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Killer Whale wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:33 am Fuck's sakes.
By RandomElement
The Salisbury candidate said, "I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him, and he seemed very good. He is not the Austrian gentleman with a moustache come alive again."

Extra tone-deaf points for saying this in Salisbury.

https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news ... emed-good/
Oboogie liked this
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By Crabcakes
RandomElement wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:01 am "I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him, and he seemed very good. He is not the Austrian gentleman with a moustache come alive again."
I’d agree he’s not like Hitler. Because being a scheming and insidious paranoiac with access to nuclear weapons is in many ways far more terrifying.
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