:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Andy McDandy wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:39 pm Charles Moore was doing an "Is it because she's BAME?" thing about Patel the other day. Lots of people pointed out that Warsi achieved high office in the Tory party and in government, and didn't attract anything like the abuse Patel gets. Mainly because she presents as a functioning human being and not as a vindictive arsehole.
That's dumb phrase racists use "There's racism against white people as well" needs a very rare set of cirumstances to fulfill. Racism isn't a petty prejudice or saying French people smell of garlic but about the power relationship between class and race. So step forward Priti, from a British colonial petit bourgeois background who is now a minister suggesting we starve the Irish if they don't play ball on Brexit. That remark alone makes her unfit for public office.
Some twatting Tory MP, who thinks he needs to do more to get into the Bridgen type of brain dead statement to get noticed
davidjay wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:58 pm
Youngian wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:59 pm Hold my beer. Tory backbench brains trust thought it would be a good idea to lean on a judge to put in a good word for an accused sex offender
Like they give a shit.
Last day of term's a free -on full pay.

Some punishment.
He's been told that many times...
With Stonehenge, the response will likely be a) what's a bit of heritage compared to clipping 5 minutes off a sales rep's commute, and b) UNESCO can do one, we invented history and culture and shit, and besides they let anyone in.
Bones McCoy wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:18 am Now it seems "spivvy" Schapps superhighway to the southwest threatens Stonehenge's UNESCO heritage status.
Now wishing I'd typed "Spivvy Schapps' Stonehange status sucking southwestern superhighway".
kreuzberger, Cyclist liked this
Youngian wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:16 pm Don’t understand the details of the dispute but can see plenty of scope for rallying around Bozo to tell the unelected foreign bureaucrats at UNESCO to do one. I understand from Twitter that this sinister body makes secret decisions in China.
Destroying your own heritage to own Johnny foreigner.
Lots of people think they've got "freedom day" wrong, as I do, and Labour have for the first time gone in very hard. I suppose it wouldn't take much for them to do less badly than expected, and get a bit of a boost from that. Especially if the rest of Europe gets a delta wave like we have.
davidjay wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:36 pm They're in trouble now:

Do I give a shit about what this pathetic wanker thinks….worra Cunt
Pondering the empty shelves in Morrisons this morning I was interested to know if any European leaders’ policies have led to food shortages since Ceausescu was shot? I recall Norway sometimes gets dairy shortages and I’ll guess Milosevic didn’t plan for sanctions in his manifesto. Don’t know anything about Belarus retail but this country might get Bozo off the hook.
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