:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ctive.html

Turns out Diane Abbott is alright really and it's the rest of them who are the problem. I mean, as far as Dickie's concerned, she's
an exemplary constituency MP who added hugely to the gaiety of the nation
Of course, he also thinks she
didn’t have the foggiest idea what she was talking about
usually blurts out something, however incoherent
never allow her anywhere near the levers of power
He brings up her letter about Jews and Travellers and experiences of racism. Funnily enough he doesn't mention any of his own comments about Travellers, such as...
"It was a million [sic] that the pikeys - er, sorry, the members of the travelling community - were behind the burglaries. But it was more than his job was worth to investigate further, otherwise he'd have the equal opportunities committee, the local police liaison working group and the ACC (Diversity) down on him like a ton of hot horseshit."
Most of these 'travellers' are Irish tinkers, itinerant scrap-metal merchants, scruffy hippies left over from the 1983 Glastonbury Festival, or dubious waifs and strays from Eastern Europe doing a bit of freelance begging.

Somehow, they have managed to get themselves classified as a homogenous, oppressed ethnic group, with all the rights, privileges and lavish welfare benefits that entails.

They also seem to be exempt from planning laws and the clutches of the Inland Revenue.

Hardly a week goes by without some poor sap having to demolish a house or barn conversion which has been built without permission two feet too close to the road or in an area of natural beauty.

Yet opportunist 'travellers' can Tarmac over the Green Belt during a Bank Holiday weekend and, in utter contravention of planning regulations, set up an illegal caravan park and stay there for life.

Anyone who objects is smeared as a 'racist' by the very authorities we pay to enforce the law. You can't blame the gipsies if they are indulged by every card-carrying Guardianista in Britain.
So in conclusion, cunt.
By Youngian
Back in the good old days before Atlee’s meddling bureaucrats implemented the Town and Country Planning Act, travellers could more or less park up where they liked. But the act introduced a social compromise in which local authorities provided sites. They have been shut, sold off or eroded in order to indulge shitheads like Littlejohn. But thanks to Priti Patel, police can now drag away people’s homes, have them crushed and bang up the pikeys. Indeed a cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... a-job.html

Littlejohn waxes lyrical over Boys from the Blackstuff. Yes, I can hear your "How fucking dare he"s from here.

Basically it's Yosser wouldn't want to work from home. Yosser was genuinely mentally ill, not like the kids these days. Yosser would get on his bike and look for work. Get the kids into the nursing homes. Then we won't need immigration.

Other things: he sneers at Labour for its handling of the Diane Abbott situation, and scoffs at her doing a 2 hour anti-antisemitism course. Two hours, he asks! How can you tackle such prejudice in two hours?

Then he has a sneer at black people because they're all violent sweary gangster rappers or something.

Finally a thing about Iain Duncan Smith which is basically a cheap excuse for a giggle about ladies things.

Fitting to end on that note. Cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... blame.html

Cunt shills for bigger cunts.
As I've argued before, where is it written that the Conservative Party has a divine right to rule?
In your fucking paper, every day.
Our insular, bought-and-paid-for political commentariat are all sneering at Farage's stated intention to replace the Conservatives as the true party of the centre-Right. But then again, they all laughed at Christopher Columbus...
Aside from all the ones who are wetting themselves in anticipation. Like your fucking paper. Oh, and that Columbus thing? Fuck off.

Youngian liked this
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ction.html

A load of fucking drivel, even by his low standards.

Starmer's from north London. Not far from Hampstead heath, eh? Where those gays hang out. No lefties or queeahs oop north! Ha ha, the Libs have got a dopey bird. You don't get dopey birds with Reform! Anyway, elf and safety means they can't do anything. Plus That Lot don't eat bacon, the weirdoes. Anyway, look at their leader. Fat cunt goes around making a tit of himself. Totally unsuited to high office. Meanwhile, what about Sunak? Course, he's alright. Except he's not, is he? No sense of loyalty, know what I mean? Vote for my mate Nige.

Unfortunate sense-read fail moment:
Davey should be in jail, like those unfortunate sub-postmasters
Commentary is mixed. Rayner is apparently now John "two jags" Prescott, according to some.

By Youngian
Just saw a link to this story. Even I got sucked into the hard right surge story, they have 18% of the EP vote up from their usual 15% and fell back in most countries where they’ve been in government.

If Le Pen does come to power and chucks out foreign immigrants, hope she starts with Andrew Neil. Sorry ‘ex-pat.’
On everything from Net Zero to wokery and immigration, Starmer will be way out of step with his beloved EU, writes ANDREW NEIL
The surge of the populist Right in Sunday’s elections to the European Parliament means it must have dawned on even Keir Starmer and his Europhile Labour Party that the EU we voted to leave in 2016 is very different from the one he wants to cosy up to in 2024. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ce-paywall
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... rnoon.html

In which he gives up, waxes lyrical about the 60s, and says that nothing really matters as we've all been here before and survived.
We British are a pretty resilient race, even when our woes are self-inflicted, as they are about to be with the ushering in of at least five years of loony Labour government.

We made it through the strike-torn 1970s, the Winter of Discontent, the fuel crisis, the sterling crisis, the banking collapse of 2008, the Troubles, the Blitz, Brexit, two world wars and more than one World Cup disappointment.

As I said, nothing new in the world, not even the weather, which was just as boiling in 1966 before global warming was invented.
First, out of all of those things, only one was actively sought out by the UK government.

Second, I'm pretty sure Florida was there before you moved there, you cunt.
By satnav
After this week's TV debate, the prospect of five years of tetchy, intolerant Starmer scares the life out of me in a way Blair and Brown never did

How will Littlejohn cope if Starmer wins next Thursday and then Biden goes on to beat Trump? It might be enough to cause him to have a stroke.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:30 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... rnoon.html

In which he gives up, waxes lyrical about the 60s, and says that nothing really matters as we've all been here before and survived.
We British are a pretty resilient race, even when our woes are self-inflicted, as they are about to be with the ushering in of at least five years of loony Labour government.

We made it through the strike-torn 1970s, the Winter of Discontent, the fuel crisis, the sterling crisis, the banking collapse of 2008, the Troubles, the Blitz, Brexit, two world wars and more than one World Cup disappointment.

As I said, nothing new in the world, not even the weather, which was just as boiling in 1966 before global warming was invented.
First, out of all of those things, only one was actively sought out by the UK government.

Second, I'm pretty sure Florida was there before you moved there, you cunt.
So were alligators and I know which one I'd rather have for a neighbour.
satnav wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:33 pm After this week's TV debate, the prospect of five years of tetchy, intolerant Starmer scares the life out of me in a way Blair and Brown never did

How will Littlejohn cope if Starmer wins next Thursday and then Biden goes on to beat Trump? It might be enough to cause him to have a stroke.
Suits me.
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By Andy McDandy
I went and read it. Yes, it's an eleventh hour hit piece, but surely for £200,000 a year you expect better than this:
He's a complete and utter lawyer. Can't say I've followed it closely, but he's had a few dubious clients over the year.

True, that doesn't make him a bad person. George Carman QC, arguably our greatest libel lawyer, once represented me. (We won on away goals. Me and Ken Dodd, then, though Doddy was playing at home.)

But I don't buy the 'cab rank' argument either. Depends on where you park your cab. If you park up outside Scott's restaurant in Mayfair you'll pick up Kate Moss. If you linger outside Finsbury Park Mosque, you'll end up with Abu Qatada or one of his oppos. And it's no good arguing you don't go south of the river.
Britain is about to become the UKSSR — Ubergruppenfuhrer Keir Starmer's Socialist Republic.

Seriously, what a cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
In case you were wondering what Jan Moir had to say that was so terrifying to Richard and his family, here we go:
In the recent past, lawyers have stopped convicted criminals and illegal immigrants from being flown back to their countries of origin. And using the European Convention on Human Rights, they have repeatedly stopped the Rwanda Bill. By doing so, they are also ­stopping the will of the elected House of Commons and thereby the will of the people.

Now they appear to have shut down the future of an entire ­industry at the stroke of a pen, ushering in the beginning of the end of new fossil fuel extraction in this county. A coal mine in Cumbria, approved by the Government in 2022, must now be under threat.The ruling could also have a bearing on offshore oil and gas projects such as the giant ­Rosebank field in the North Sea. Whether you think this legal ­development is right or wrong, surely the public should have some say in the matter?
So, basically the same old crap the right have been wanging on about for years.
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