:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 10 % :laughing: 60 %
By Rosvanian
Well, I've been waiting for the big idea and tackling botched pavement repairs by utility companies does it for me and then some.

Listen, Northumbrian Water, you can pump as much shit into the Tyne as you like but you've fucked with the pavements for the last time.

Tories all the way for me.
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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:30 am Here are some new policies that I'm not going to implement because I'm retiring.

Fuck me…..his dealer must have served up some grade A
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By Tubby Isaacs
Numbers are going to come down anyway, so it's not a particularly savage policy. But I wonder if it was worth doing this, at least to The Sun. Lots of Labour voters will hate that. Not sure how workable that thing about bad employers is. I can see parts of the NHS and care service getting caught by that.

By davidjay
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:34 pm This is the chap challenging Starmer. No great surprise here. Why do so many of that lot fall for obvious wrong uns?

Because it's part of their idea that the establishment will clamp down on anyone who challenges them, therefore the underdog is always the good guy.
By Bones McCoy
Election fraud claims being reviewed by police

No mention of the party involved auntie Beeb?

Police are reviewing claims of election fraud they have received relating to "concerns around marketing material".

It comes after the Conservative candidate for High Peak in Derbyshire, Robert Largan, put out a social media post on Saturday in red Labour colours saying "Labour for Largan".

He also put out a social media post, using the colours of Reform UK, with the slogan "Reform for Robert".

The Conservative Party said: “The materials clearly carry imprints, as required by electoral law."
If voters can't take the hint that their candidate's a dubious character...
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