:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 10 % :laughing: 60 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
Spoonman wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 8:25 pm

This one?
This is good on the polling methods.

The Red pollsters, as I understand it, just leave out Don't Knows.
The Yellow ones ask a follow up question to the Don't Knows about who they lean towards (called a Squeeze question)
The Green ones make assume lots of Don't Knows will actually vote for who they did last time (I think).

I think I prefer the Yellow method but each to their own.

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By Tubby Isaacs
Gillian stuck it to Tony Blair by doing an apprenticeship. Except she didn't, because she completed a degree while she was working, which was one of the things Blair anticipated lots of people would want to do and included it in his target.

Have a guess which qualification makes it on to Gillian's CV. Yep, it's the degree!

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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 1:53 pm Majority in this seat is 23,000.

I suppose it makes more sense to campaign here than Wimbledon.

You would think if he needed to boost the Tory vote he would have visited the next door constituency; North West Leicestershire, current MP Looney Tunes Bridgen. Either he really has given up, or just as likely he was afraid of meeting some “interesting” points of view
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By Tubby Isaacs
Watchman wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 7:02 pm
You would think if he needed to boost the Tory vote he would have visited the next door constituency; North West Leicestershire, current MP Looney Tunes Bridgen. Either he really has given up, or just as likely he was afraid of meeting some “interesting” points of view
I would think he went to a few constituencies round there. Nuneaton and N Warwickshire-Bedworth are next door. Maybe he did NW Leicestershire too. Hinckley and Bosworth looks vulnerable to tactical voting.
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By Andy McDandy
Cast your minds back to internment in Northern Ireland. Aside from the utter stupidity of locking up hundreds and thousands of thus far non-political young men with a few hardcore IRA recruiters, suddenly doing cartwheels over this captive audience*, there were further implications.

Marriages broken up. Studies and apprenticeships interrupted, or ruined. Elderly parents left without carers. Many left unemployed, and thanks to the big gaps on their CVs, unemployable (as if things weren't bad enough for them already).

Nowhere have I seen in this 'plan' any indication of how people choose their NS path. Or indeed, if it's chosen for them. Hence the suspicion voiced already that it'll be the trenches for the scum, and a couple of afternoons tidying the park for the nice kids.

*Or going further back, Mussolini trying it with the Mafia.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Andy McDandy wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:44 pm ).

Nowhere have I seen in this 'plan' any indication of how people choose their NS path. Or indeed, if it's chosen for them. Hence the suspicion voiced already that it'll be the trenches for the scum, and a couple of afternoons tidying the park for the nice kids.
My Dad, because of some special circumstances, didn't do the full period of regular national service, but was made to do a load of weekend TA as well. This was less than convenient seeing he was working in the family butcher's business, with Saturday the busiest day. I wonder if somebody better connected weould have got excused the TA but whatever, I can at least see a military logic to it. I don't see much logic in making a modern day version of my Dad give up 12 weekends.

It's not exactly unusual to work weekends these days. Did nobody in the Government think about building some flexibility in? Reminds me of during Covid where they didn't know that carers worked on several sites.
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