:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
By Youngian
Who are the 6%? Even better if Johnson lost a point to REFUK as well. For his hand brake turn on supporting the England wokes.

Rise in economic confidence for Labour. Giving Johnson 41% approval because the Tories know how look after your money, is English cap doffing at its most ridiculous.
Johnson / Starmer

Brexit 42% (+4) / 26% (+3)
Covid 33% (-5) / 29% (+6)
Economy 41% (+1) / 26% (+2)
Education 31% / 33%
Environment 28%/ 29%
Law/order 35% / 27%
NHS 31% (-1) / 36% (+3)
Be mostly Northern Ireland and parties like Plaid.

Also I note the cut in London weighting it’s labelled as part of the levelling up agenda but it’s the levelling down.

When Williamson is done Higher Education like most other things will be a shell of its former self.
Oboogie liked this
Youngian wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:10 am Who are the 6%? Even better if Johnson lost a point to REFUK as well. For his hand brake turn on supporting the England wokes.

Rise in economic confidence for Labour. Giving Johnson 41% approval because the Tories know how look after your money, is English cap doffing at its most ridiculous.
Johnson / Starmer

Brexit 42% (+4) / 26% (+3)
Covid 33% (-5) / 29% (+6)
Economy 41% (+1) / 26% (+2)
Education 31% / 33%
Environment 28%/ 29%
Law/order 35% / 27%
NHS 31% (-1) / 36% (+3)
Interesting change on the NHS there too. Johnson at one time had a good lead on that- I presume because millions of people were getting vaccinated and came away thinking "NHS can't be bad!" If that fades, it's bad news.
What do we make of Dawn Butler? I thought it might backfire. She's right, but the problem is that it's not hard for the government to chuck the same back at you, and a chunk of the public will think "They're all the same, at least Bozo isn't pious".

But she may have struck a wider chord than I expected. Doubtless a few people will say the real issue is Kieth for not doing this at PMQs.
Been up to my arse in alligators this afternoon and evening but it was great to catch up with the news and see Johnson being skinnered by Dawn Butler.

As entertaining as that might be, this tactic will need to be used very carefully - the odd hit and run raid when it is least expected - or it will go stale very quickly. As Johnson and the oleaginous Linseed Hoyle amply demonstrate, the tories could easily lie about the lying of others and get away with it, Scot free.
It's too late now as they supposed to be all traipsing back after recess, but some enterprising MP asking remotely could have "BORIS JOHNSON IS A LIAR" written on a whiteboard behind them, and if it's pointed out, just say "Oh no! How did that happen? Gosh, those bloomin' kids! Well, I'd better clean that off"

Then through a performance that Norman Wisdom would be proud of, "accidentally" ensure that the camera can see nothing more than what is in the whiteboard as they fail to clean it.
"Mr/Madam speaker, given that it would be unparliamentary of me to call him a liar, can you suggest some acceptable euphemisms?"

Probably get a "don't take the piss" reply, but would still end up on the record.
The All New KevS wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:47 am It's too late now as they supposed to be all traipsing back after recess, but some enterprising MP asking remotely could have "BORIS JOHNSON IS A LIAR" written on a whiteboard behind them, and if it's pointed out, just say "Oh no! How did that happen? Gosh, those bloomin' kids! Well, I'd better clean that off"

Then through a performance that Norman Wisdom would be proud of, "accidentally" ensure that the camera can see nothing more than what is in the whiteboard as they fail to clean it.
Ideal opportunity to use those old kiddies blocks with the letters on.
Blame the dead guy.

I really want to enjoy Johnson's fall from grace and inevitable demise. In a ditch, on fire, doused in petrol.
Youngian, Nigredo, Boiler and 1 others liked this
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