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By Malcolm Armsteen
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 4:17 pm No need to meet with them and give them credibility though.
Yes there is, as noted above.
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By Crabcakes
I suspect it should be treated with the same level of discomfort but not necessarily concern (yet) as Rachel Reeves meeting with the TPA would generate.

They can have a chat by all means. But the moment there is some sign or suggestion of influence, then that would be a worry. Because nothing comes out of 55 Tufton St. without an ulterior motive.
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By Crabcakes
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 4:50 pm Rachel Reeves shouldn't meet the TPA though, should she?
Personally? Absolutely not. I’d rather no one in a prospective left of centre government met with any of the insane ghouls from Tufton St.

But as mentioned a meeting is a meeting, and it might be to have the chat was seen as the lesser of 2 evils if the alternative would be “Labour MP refuses to meet LGB group” headlines in the Tory-friendly rags. As long as they don’t even get a fraction of policy influence, I can live with a chinwag if it short circuits an attack front.
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By Tubby Isaacs
The trouble with that is that she's massively pissed off a lot of people by meeting them. And I really don't see how "wouldn't even meet some group only GB News viewers care about" is some sort of killer blow. Labour excepts the Cass Report and its position on single sex spaces is in line with the Equality Act, same as the Government. I'm not sure Kemi Badenoch gets much leverage out of not meeting the LGB Alliance.
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By Crabcakes
To be honest I can see it both ways about what would be the least damaging, and assume a judgement call was made - but without having access to the same polling/focus group info, we can only guess why the call went one way rather than the other.

But as I say, as long as it doesn’t see a questionable group suddenly having influence, I can put it in the same bucket as Elphicke that I’d rather it hadn’t have happened at all, but I can see it’s a question of pros and cons and we might not have all the info.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Gender Identity is a small boy with a catapult eyeing up a Ming vase...
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By Philip Marlow
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed May 15, 2024 1:55 pm I'd have hoped that she, or one of her advisers, would spot the Tufton Street connection, and tell her to give them a swerve. Then again those organisations are very good at playing the media, and I imagine there would be no shortage of outlets happy to report that so-called inclusive Labour chair Dodds refused to meet with leading gay rights advocacy group…
Sections of the media had a go at presenting them as a rival organisation to Stonewall - as indeed they are, in the same way that I am a rival to Oleksandr Usyk in his quest to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world - when they first got going, but it didn’t really take. Trouble is, it doesn’t need to. If you can gain influence with the right people then the fact that no fucker has ever heard of you doesn’t really matter.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Philip Marlow wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 1:06 pm
Sections of the media had a go at presenting them as a rival organisation to Stonewall - as indeed they are, in the same way that I am a rival to Oleksandr Usyk in his quest to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world - when they first got going, but it didn’t really take. Trouble is, it doesn’t need to. If you can gain influence with the right people then the fact that no fucker has ever heard of you doesn’t really matter.
I don't know if they've been that important in the retreat on trans issues though, and that's one reason I wouldn't have met them. JK Rowling has been much more important than they have been. The same money the LGB Alliance get also fights abortion, contraception etc, but has made no progress in the UK. They've got some roll back on sex education, but I wonder whether that'll last because it's so obviously based on lies.

The reason trans rights have been forced into retreat is that they weren't as solidly based as those other things. Cass has demolished puberty blockers, backed by most of the medical establishment. Self-id was unpopular in Scotland as soon as it was passed, and has obvious problems. And the more controversial stuff on ending single sex spaces could probably have been challenged all along under the Equality Act.
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By Andy McDandy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 4:40 pm The same money the LGB Alliance get also fights abortion, contraception etc, but has made no progress in the UK.
Worth a read:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jesus-John-Way ... 1631495739

Jesus and John Wayne - how White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation.
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By The Weeping Angel
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 4:40 pm
Philip Marlow wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 1:06 pm
Sections of the media had a go at presenting them as a rival organisation to Stonewall - as indeed they are, in the same way that I am a rival to Oleksandr Usyk in his quest to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world - when they first got going, but it didn’t really take. Trouble is, it doesn’t need to. If you can gain influence with the right people then the fact that no fucker has ever heard of you doesn’t really matter.
I don't know if they've been that important in the retreat on trans issues though, and that's one reason I wouldn't have met them. JK Rowling has been much more important than they have been. The same money the LGB Alliance get also fights abortion, contraception etc, but has made no progress in the UK. They've got some roll back on sex education, but I wonder whether that'll last because it's so obviously based on lies.

The reason trans rights have been forced into retreat is that they weren't as solidly based as those other things. Cass has demolished puberty blockers, backed by most of the medical establishment. Self-id was unpopular in Scotland as soon as it was passed, and has obvious problems. And the more controversial stuff on ending single sex spaces could probably have been challenged all along under the Equality Act.
It's a very good example of overreach. Of course it's much easy to blame American evangelicals for this rather than acknowledge that there has been a schism amongst progressives over this issue.
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By The Weeping Angel
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/art ... ical-views
A rape crisis worker was unfairly dismissed from her role at a support centre for survivors of abuse after she expressed gender critical views, a tribunal has ruled.

Roz Adams was subjected to a “Kafkaesque” internal disciplinary process by managers at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) after she questioned rules about trans female counsellors working with female survivors.

The tribunal said there was “ample evidence” Adams had been unfairly treated by her employers because they believed she was a transphobe.

The investigations into Adams amounted to a “heresy hunt” because “she did not fully subscribe to the gender ideology which they did and which they wished to promote in the organisation. This was an act of harassment on the basis of her belief.”

Adams, who describes herself as a “sex realist”, had questioned whether it was fair and appropriate for the centre to insist that its clients could not specify that they only wanted support from biological women.

In its ruling, the tribunal said the centre’s chief executive, Mridul Wadhwa, a trans woman, had “formed the view that the claimant was transphobic. This led to a completely spurious and mishandled disciplinary process. The investigation was deeply flawed.
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