:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
By satnav
I think Jenkyns will be the next Tory MP to abandon ship and join Reform. Last week she was suggesting that candidates should be allowed to stand on a joint Conservative/Reform ticket which is never going to happen. She will try and engineer a situation where she gets the whip removed and then join Lee Anderson.
Oboogie liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
"Loss" here means "less than he would have got at the peak of the market". So not a loss then.

The price of gold fell between about 1982 and 2001. Disgraceful the loss made there by Geoffrey Howe who failed to sell the gold in 1982 and put the money into Central London property and Microsoft stock.

Oboogie liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
satnav wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:26 pm I think Jenkyns will be the next Tory MP to abandon ship and join Reform. Last week she was suggesting that candidates should be allowed to stand on a joint Conservative/Reform ticket which is never going to happen. She will try and engineer a situation where she gets the whip removed and then join Lee Anderson.
Does she need to engineer a split? She can hurt Sunak more by just walking out. I'd be surprised if a bunch of them weren't planning to go all at once.
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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:17 pm That well known loophole- work.

I wonder if Mr Modi’s going to have a word with the father-in-law
By satnav
Last week a number of Tory MPs used social media to falsely claim that the London mayoral election was rigged, tonight several of those MPs including Brendan Clarke-Smith are using social media to try and rig the Eurovision song contest vote in favour of the Israeli entrant. These people really are dicks.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Rosvanian wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 9:58 pm Dicks, you say. You sure about that? Perhaps Malcolm will be along shortly.
Goes without saying.

But they are a bunch of cunts.
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By Spoonman
satnav wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 9:28 pm Last week a number of Tory MPs used social media to falsely claim that the London mayoral election was rigged, tonight several of those MPs including Brendan Clarke-Smith are using social media to try and rig the Eurovision song contest vote in favour of the Israeli entrant. These people really are dicks.
Fat lot of good it did in the end, as the Jury vote from Israel wasn't anywhere big enough to eventually matter. The UK public vote did give their 12 points to Israel (and 10 to Ireland).

Only tuned in to see the second half of the songs which meant watching the UK entry first - I'm not completely surprised it got zero points from the public vote with the vocals a bit weak and while Eurovision is known for being camp, the dancers were borderline sleazy even for this event. A half-decent jury vote stopped them from bottoming out altogether. As it was I thought the Swiss entrant was a worthy winner, and overall a decent enough show to pass the evening despite the controversy leading up to the final.
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By Watchman
satnav wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 9:28 pm Last week a number of Tory MPs used social media to falsely claim that the London mayoral election was rigged, tonight several of those MPs including Brendan Clarke-Smith are using social media to try and rig the Eurovision song contest vote in favour of the Israeli entrant. These people really are dicks.
Not very patriotic….on hang on ones a bit sleazy, the others waging war against civilians
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By Watchman
First they can for our lanyards

I'm also confused by her belief that Civil Servants are part of the government, but have to leave their political beliefs at home

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ar ... il-service
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By Tubby Isaacs
We keep hearing how great and tolerant Britain is, and compared with lots of places it probably is. But doesn't that suggest that at least some of the money spent on inclusion is working? It does to me, anyway. The explanation that we're just the fabbest people in the world because we are isn't all that convincing.

A serious "common sense" politician would say "we spend lots of money on it, let's have a proper look at how effective each bit of it is". I can remember 20 years ago doing some very good training.
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