:sunglasses: 11.1 % :pray: 44.4 % :laughing: 22.2 % :cry: 22.2 %
By slilley
We certainly need answers about who paid for the trip, what briefings were there with the Foreign Office before and after, and if there were not, then the PM and Chief Whip have to take action. Did the Foreign Secretary know of this trip? If yes when? If they don’t this is akin to Chamberlain conducting foreign policy with Italy via his sister as happened in 1938 which led to Eden’s resignation.
By Bones McCoy
slilley wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:08 am We certainly need answers about who paid for the trip, what briefings were there with the Foreign Office before and after, and if there were not, then the PM and Chief Whip have to take action. Did the Foreign Secretary know of this trip? If yes when? If they don’t this is akin to Chamberlain conducting foreign policy with Italy via his sister as happened in 1938 which led to Eden’s resignation.
All we need to know is whether her meetings were minuted.
If not, she's "off on manoeuvres".

Also check whether the trip was planned through the parliamentary travel office.
Which anything official should be.
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By Watchman
To a certain extent “ who paid” is a side issue. At the end of the day, I feel it boils down to the fact that she has no brief to represent GB in diplomatic and foreign policy, particularly in a region that is volatile, for that alone she should no longer be an MP. She is in paid employment and her actions represent gross misconduct
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By Bones McCoy
Watchman wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:25 pm To a certain extent “ who paid” is a side issue. At the end of the day, I feel it boils down to the fact that she has no brief to represent GB in diplomatic and foreign policy, particularly in a region that is volatile, for that alone she should no longer be an MP. She is in paid employment and her actions represent gross misconduct
My point about minutes meetings leans on Patel's undoing.

If she's there on official business, there'll be a document trail.
Not necessarily one for public consumption, but evidence that foreign office people were in on the trip.

Even with that in place, there's a very difficult question: Why wasn't an MP from the foreign office dong this mission?

It very much looks like an MP ignoring their constituents, and official government policy , and freelancing.
Dangerous stuff, and on whose say-so.

Back in the age of sail there was the defence of privateering to avoid the noose.
(A sort of seaborne, and internationally accepted mercenary trade).
That had to be supported with "letters of marque" issues by the employing government.
No letter, no government business, and it's piracy.

Braverman has serious questions to answer.
Questions that our "free and fearless" press appear scared to ask.
It reflect extremely poorly on Sunak - who seems to have given up.
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By Tubby Isaacs
satnav wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 1:27 pm I'd love to know how Braverman got a late invite onto Laura Kuenssberg's show this morning. She wasn't on the original list of guests published yesterday and the show already had two Tory MPs booked in.
Presumably because of her article. I know we expect it from her, but it's still quite the thing.
By Oboogie
satnav wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 1:27 pm I'd love to know how Braverman got a late invite onto Laura Kuenssberg's show this morning. She wasn't on the original list of guests published yesterday and the show already had two Tory MPs booked in.
All the other Tories are busy making excuses for their defeat and (publicly) standing firm behind Sunak, as such Baverman offers an alternative voice. Her message can the summarised as, "It's all Sunak's fault because he's not right wing enough, we must stick with Sunak".
By Oboogie
Youngian wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 4:50 pm
Her message can the summarised as, "It's all Sunak's fault because he's not right wing enough, we must stick with Sunak".

If Andy Street held on, it would have dampened the further right narrative. But he didn’t so loons like Braverman are on the march. Carry on.
The harder Tories fall, the better for her leadership bid in the wake of the election.
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 1:27 pm I'd love to know how Braverman got a late invite onto Laura Kuenssberg's show this morning. She wasn't on the original list of guests published yesterday and the show already had two Tory MPs booked in.
I've no problem with whatever publicity gets Braverman closer to Tory leader.
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