:laughing: 100 %
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By Andy McDandy
slilley wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:20 pm
The Times is saying 12 detectives are on the case. Hmm yes.
"Hang on, let me call the crime lab, see if they've found any clues. They got us working around the clock! In shifts!"

Cynical police officer, in The Big Lebowski.
Dalem Lake liked this
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By Crabcakes
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:43 pm It doesn't seem to be working with the wider public. Buying a house, getting married and later selling doesn't fail the smell test.
I think, like Major’s government, the Tories have passed the point where anyone will give them the benefit of the doubt on anything. No scheme, claim, or policy is believed as being legit, everything has an ulterior motive and that motive is always self serving. Even their supporters know it’s bullshit, and you can see it in the press shifts to supporting Labour and the tired, absurd headlines in the Mail/Telegraph etc.

They’ve not only got nothing left, but every rehashed attack they attempt now backfires on them.
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By Andy McDandy
As noted at the 2008/9 expenses scandal, for something to stick, it really has to have the WTF? factor. People can understand getting some furniture on expenses, but a duck house, or moat cleaning? Strange.

Likewise sex. As Malcolm Tucker put it, "do not do weird fucking". Consensual sex with all parties happy is not weird fucking, be it gay, straight or variations thereof. Animals, kids, corpses, objects - these are all weird fucking. Gay fucking can be weird fucking if the person in question is not known as gay, or indeed makes noises about not being gay, then is caught asking rent boys to supply him class A drugs while pretending to be a washing machine salesman. Or getting locked in a sex dungeon and phoning an old woman for ransom money.

Onto mortgages. Following the sort of advice published almost daily in the papers is not WTF. Obsessing over whether or not someone did is getting into WTF territory. Especially when you're the weird sounding one, and they're the straight talking, relatable one.
mattomac, Oboogie liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Bones McCoy wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:25 pm
davidjay wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:00 pm I'm starting to think Dan Hodges is a lover spurned, or something.
Freud would have a field day on his issues with strong tall red-haired women.
Rather like Toby Young and his oedipus complex?
By Bones McCoy
slilley wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:53 pm The Mail on Sunday now think they have found a new stick with which to beat her

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... party.html

So far into their second gallon of Boris Kool-Aid.
The now Mail consider it suspicious when politicians appoint anybody outside their own cosy cult.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Bim Afolami questioned on this by Sophie Ridge. He sees no reason for the Tories to apologise because Rayner 'brought it on herself' by refusing to answer questions about her private life...

Gods preserve us from Old Etonian Oreos...
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