:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
https://www.theguardian.com/society/202 ... SApp_Other

They really don’t like people less fortunate than them, do they!
Because if all you understand is money, all that you judge worth by is money and all you strive for is money, you are bound to despise those with less, you're winning and they're losers.

Trump was brazen in saying it, but they all believe it.

Or, as one kid said to me, "My dad says if you're so clever, why aren't you rich?"
I not sure it’s “monetary winners and losers” in this case, more the case of denying someone in need help because they can
Last edited by Watchman on Sun Jul 18, 2021 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So why do they do it?

Causes, causes....
I think there is a subset of voters who do (whether consciously or not) support policies or platforms that will actively inflict suffering on outgroups. Remember that a few years ago when a dimwitted republican women was vox-popped in the US in regards to Mexican children apprehended at the USA's southern border, being detained in - for want of a better term - cages. She inadvertently said what she was thinking, without thinking what she was saying, when questioned over Trump's policies towards immigration. She said something like "We need policies that make them suffer." In her mind, it didn't matter whether Trump's vile policies were effective at curtailing immigration, let alone moral. As long as an outgroup was suffering.

I used to think (naively) such sentiments were confined to a small minority; I'm less sure of that these days. :(
If group A see that you treat group B like shit, group A stay in line because they don't want to be treated like shit.

Crack down hard on women protesting peacefully at a vigil for a murdered woman, and there will be a lot of people who think twice about turning up to demos. Let a load of white, male thuggish arseholes do what they want before a football match and you very clearly give a signal about who is allowed to get away with stuff and who isn't.

Very broadly speaking, the tories can cope with football hooliganism because it doesn't affect them. It's poor people fighting poor people. Other protests by intelligent people need to be shut down because these are the people who can have an effect - they will pursue issues in court, they will start effective campaigns and so on.
It's all about permissions.
From a previous signature of mine:

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
I always saw it as akin to Uncle Monty's cottage*.

"Free to those who can afford it; very expensive to those who can't"

*Withnail and I, m'lud.
He is indeed. An utter disgrace. Etonian...

(Why do black Tories make me so fucking angry?)
Charles Moore was doing an "Is it because she's BAME?" thing about Patel the other day. Lots of people pointed out that Warsi achieved high office in the Tory party and in government, and didn't attract anything like the abuse Patel gets. Mainly because she presents as a functioning human being and not as a vindictive arsehole.
Jacob Rees-Mogg sorry after 'Yellow Peril' comment in the Commons
Rees-Mogg said he did not know what he said was racist and added his use of the term was “out of ignorance”.

Tory MP Damien Moore had said people in his constituency felt “under attack from the vindictive policies of Labour-controlled Sefton Council” for trying to “impose a cycle network”.

In reply, Rees-Mogg said: “I hear gossip that (Mr Moore) is actually working in collaboration, and whisper it quietly, with the Liberal Democrats in his area against these schemes, which I think shows how completely lunatic they must be to have created an alliance between him and the Yellow Peril.”

Shadow Commons leader Thangam Debbonaire called on him to apologise.
Rees-Mogg replied: “If I have used a term that is offensive I apologise profoundly.

“I had absolutely no intention of using a term that was offensive.

“I don’t actually know what term I used that was offensive, so if out of ignorance I have, I apologise.”
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