:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
Is this a humorous juxtaposition by the Yorkshire Post, or is "more tables on pavements" really considered part of a regeneration strategy? This is Olly Reader stuff.

https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/po ... gy-3303473
The Prime Minister is expected to announce a new high streets strategy which will include al fresco dining, which has been widespread during the pandemic, becoming the norm.

Pavement licences are to be extended and then made permanent, with the aim of making it easier and cheaper for pubs, restaurants and cafes to set up tables outside and serve more customers.
Coming soon- "Boris: I'll clear away pavement pissheads".
I know it’s a Westminster thing, but Johnson was absolutely abysmal at PMQs. Clearly infuriated at being fact checked and called out for his gesture politics and hypocrisy (and Starmer bought the receipts to prove it), annoyed that Starmer’s final question threw him off balance so he didn’t get his lovely soundbite quip, and then faced with his own published racism by the SNP.

Starmer was good (and seems to definitely be on the upswing), but Johnson was poor even for him.
The look of gormlessness on his face when asked about Northern Ireland was something to behold. Like a pisshead watching a David Lynch film.

Then, after having it explained that the issue was the failure to consult victims' groups, he says we should just draw a line under it all and move on. Cretin.
mattomac, Nigredo liked this
The All New KevS wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:27 pm Noted that when Starmer was quoting Tyrone Mings, there was a cry of "Labour member" from the government back benches.

Even if he is, is he not allowed to criticise the Home Secretary?
It's commonplace for the previous political history of any government critic to be dragged up, as though that means their views are irrelevant.
Youngian wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:36 pm Bozo's in a bad place when the SNP leader tells you you're not fit to lick the England team's feet.
Who’s been helping to nasty Starmer up? More of this, please. His punches were heartfelt as well. Forensic Keir won’t penetrate a loon who just shouts vaccines.
Apparently the new comms team he has have made a big difference. It’s been noted in MP circles how much more effective the messaging is even after only a few weeks.
Youngian liked this
Cyclist wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:54 pm Ref the watermelon and monkey noises. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. It's just the sort of 'joke' which would amuse a not-too-bright, rather juvenile kid. Which is exactly what Johnson is.
Late 20s - early 30s when this occurred? By the late 90s even a pub in Norfolk would bar you for being a cunt.
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:36 pm
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:21 pm Given Miss Rowe's *ahem* employment, he likely saw her as no more than a piece of meat.
She did seem to spend a lot of time around these rising young tory gentlemen.
'Rising' you say?
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