:sunglasses: 33.3 % :pray: 33.3 % :laughing: 33.3 %
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By Andy McDandy
What is true is that there was a lot of resentment of Indians among Britain's African colonies. The empire wasn't a simple "Whites, then everyone" thing - it would have been impossible to control. Instead, there was a hierarchy. Indians were considered middle management, black Africans/Caribbeans good for menial work only. And even within Indians, more hierarchy. It played on pre-colonial disputes, religious differences, you name it. Classic divide and rule.

So, Indians were bussed into east Africa to do the actual bureaucracy while the Brits signed off the paperwork and collected the cash. When independence came, a lot of those Indians were seen as much as the enemy as the Brits. The accomplices of the old regime. So when Amin expelled them, he had popular support. It was seen by many Ugandans as just desserts. Never mind that many of those families had been in Uganda for generations.

Being expelled from a country you were born in, grew up in, had known all your life with only what you can physically carry is bloody awful, traumatising and evil. So her lack of empathy for others in similar situations strikes me as a massive moral blind spot.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Not sure. I've known a few East African Indians who were chucked out by Amin, one of them is my son's mother-in-law, and she's an absolute jewel. Ditto a couple of local shopkeepers (one of whom had been a helicopter designer...) who were super people.

The ones I had issues with were teachers, both female, who were so classist and snobbish (and racist) that they were beyond redemption. It seems that some educated, middle class (with higher opinions of themselves) Indians have traits similar to the Tory Taliban.

But in general, a cross section. So Patel has to take responsibility for her rancid personality - or her Kipper father does. A similar background to Margaret Roberts of Grantham?
Andy McDandy, Oboogie liked this
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By Andy McDandy
Yeah, should have made it clearer that my beef is with her - one would have thought that with her family history she'd have a bit more empathy.

Basically mistake number one (well, after conquering the place) was importing a middle class, then abandoning them to a populist tyrant who seized on mob resentment to fuck them over.
Malcolm Armsteen liked this
By Oboogie
Cyclist wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:05 am That doesn't make much sense. Hating Ugandans, *maybe*. Hating a 26 year-old from Bedford for something that happened in East Africa 40 years ago is barking, and another example of why she's unfit for public office.

I think she hates blacks because she's unintelligent and small-minded.
Of course it doesn't make sense. It's quite irrational for the victims of persecution to blame innocent people on the tenuous grounds that they happen to share racial characteristics with their persecutors. However it is commonplace and I expect you can think of plenty of examples.

Being unintelligent and small-minded is a prerequisite for racism.
By Oboogie
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:20 am What is true is that there was a lot of resentment of Indians among Britain's African colonies. The empire wasn't a simple "Whites, then everyone" thing - it would have been impossible to control. Instead, there was a hierarchy. Indians were considered middle management, black Africans/Caribbeans good for menial work only. And even within Indians, more hierarchy. It played on pre-colonial disputes, religious differences, you name it. Classic divide and rule.

So, Indians were bussed into east Africa to do the actual bureaucracy while the Brits signed off the paperwork and collected the cash. When independence came, a lot of those Indians were seen as much as the enemy as the Brits. The accomplices of the old regime. So when Amin expelled them, he had popular support. It was seen by many Ugandans as just desserts. Never mind that many of those families had been in Uganda for generations.

Being expelled from a country you were born in, grew up in, had known all your life with only what you can physically carry is bloody awful, traumatising and evil. So her lack of empathy for others in similar situations strikes me as a massive moral blind spot.
In 1973 I was a nine year old in Birmingham as planeloads of expelled Ugandan Asians arrived in the city without money or possessions. Several of their offspring were placed in my Primary school and one of them became a life-long friend until he died, aged 40, 17 years ago. In all the years I knew him, I never heard him express any racist views towards black people but he never lost his hatred of Idi Amin ("the black Hitler") and his regime. As a white bloke who has never been expelled from my country I can't condemn him for his hatred - I'm simply not qualified to judge - but, in my mind, there is a clear distinction between him and Priti Patel.
Andy McDandy liked this
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By Cyclist
There may well be lots of others like her. I wouldn't know, I've never met one. But, not one of those others is in a position to harass and cause misery to thousands just because. Priti Patel is the Home Secretary ffs. She should be conducting herself to a far higher standard than the assistant at B&Q
And if the assistant at B&Q conducted themself like she does they'd most probably get the sack.

I have zero sumpathy for her. I'm saving that for her victims.
Oboogie liked this
By Youngian
To be fair it doesn't take much for a HS to lose the confidence of the Police Federation. Questioning high absenteeism or asking why bent coppers are pensioned off instead of nicked, is enough. The PF are Fred Kite with a truncheon. If you want to meet an expensive lawyer that pull strokes so loathed by Plod, upset the Police Federation.
By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 10:26 pm I assume the plan is that they hire lots of cops so the budget goes up, while Rishi gets scared and says no pay rise.
It's just difficult to imagine a flood of high quality recruits for 55 hour weeks, on shift, single patrolling for £22,000 pa.

Of course 22k might be enhanced if the Home Seccy turns a blind eye to tabloid bungs, shaking down brothel owners, and a bit of moonlighting for organised crime.
But what civilised nation would permit that to happen?
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By Boiler
As this forum's supposed to be about, you know, the Daily fucking Mail, a selection of comments;

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... round.html

Newest when I saved it:
Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-23-59 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png
Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-23-59 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png (8.94 KiB) Viewed 7503 times

Second lowest rated:

Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-25-21 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png
Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-25-21 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png (17.59 KiB) Viewed 7503 times

Second highest rated:

Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-26-03 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png
Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 12-26-03 Priti Patel sanctions 'pushback' tactics to turn migrant boats around.png (21.33 KiB) Viewed 7503 times
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By Cyclist
'Nice' to see they're still banging on about "free lunch" Britain. I have read several times over the last few years, written by people who know what they're talking about, that refugees aren't coming here for the "freebies". They're coming here because there is a popular misconception in some parts of the world that it's easier to get to the USA from Britain than it is from other European countries. We are not their goal, merely a staging-post on the route.

But you can't expect racist thickoes to understand stuff like that.
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By Abernathy
Boiler wrote: Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:24 pm But if it gets posted there it'll gather as much dust as the phone in the Carlsberg Complaints Hotline room.

p.s. What are Birkenstocks?
A type of ultra-trendy German brand of sandals, much favoured by the yogurt knitting Guardian reading middle class, milord.
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