:sunglasses: 25.8 % :pray: 14.5 % :laughing: 37.1 % 🧥 1.6 % :cry: 12.9 % :🤗 6.5 % :poo: 1.6 %
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By Tubby Isaacs
Some good points made in this short and readable article.

Not one of us on here could be described as fans of the Cameron governments, but it would be hard to deny that it didn't do things. Above all public expenditure cuts, but also Universal Credit, Gove and Lansley in Health and Education respectively. Why didn't it get stopped by "the deep state"? Because the Cameron government did the basics of governing- you have some policies and you use your political capital to push them through. Do that and no "Blairite civil servant fifth column" can stop you.

What's changed? It isn't just that Bozo and Sunak are bumblers who don't know their own mind- Cameron drove his MPs mad with his U-turns. It's that a lot of the stuff that they did in the first few years hasn't worked out, most obviously the cuts. If you're fighting against the result of that, then you're not going to get much done.

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By Malcolm Armsteen
Christopher fucking Chope...

Man's a cunt.

I should also point pout that when my school was criminally starved of funds for years in an attempt to close it, this cunt was the leader of Wandsworth council. I hate this cunt with every fibre of my being.

And perhaps if he, like my friend Alan and I had spent four hours talking a suicidal Somali girl off a ledge because of the suffering caused by her female genital mutilation he might not have filibustered that bill out of existence. The cunt.
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By Yug
Another indication that the Conservative Party is nothing but a hate group which should be banned

A charity representing Gypsies and travellers has accused an MP of "inciting discrimination".

Bournemouth West MP Sir Conor Burns posted a video on social media about plans for a permanent traveller site on a disused car park in his constituency.

In it, he describes the proposal to accommodate "the so-called settled traveller community" as unsuitable "in the middle of this residential area".

The Traveller Movement said Sir Conor's comments "fanned the flames of racism".

The BBC contacted both Sir Conor and Conservative party chair Richard Holden for a response but neither replied...

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-d ... 358662.amp

To be fair, it does seem a bit stupid, creating somewhere for people to live in a residential area !

"I'm saying - in agreement, I think, with many local residents - that this site here in the middle of this residential area is not the right place."
He thinks the locals would agree with him.

Clumsily-worded NIMBYism, or racist cuntery? Guess which one I'm going for?
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I can only say I don't understand any of this. Possibly due to being a bit tolerant and always thinking there might be a sensible solution but if there isn't it's best not to fight over it.
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By Bones McCoy
Oboogie wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:56 pm Has Christopher Chope been microchipped? If not, does that mean we can abduct him?
I don't know about that.

I do reflect that we got a holiday when the Queen died.
There must be 30 or 40 politicians who'd warrant a proper knees up to mark their passing.
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