:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 3.3 % :laughing: 26.7 % :cry: 26.7 % :🤗 10 % :poo: 3.3 %
Oblomov wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:35 am Heard on LBC that Tory MPs are deleting the tracing app to protect their summer holidays, and dismissing being challenged on this with a shrug and a casual "Don't ask, don't tell".
It's in the Fail, too. They don't seem best pleased

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... break.html
'At the wheel'? As in driving?
So in the space of less than 48 hours, this Government has made it fair game for eye-spinningly racist comments to be hurled at young men who were under huge pressure, washed it's hands of dealing with the biggest pandemic we've seen in a century as things are clearly getting worse, and said "Bad luck, losers" to the very poorest on the planet.

Even by their standards, ironically, that's quite depressingly impressive. Short of executing David Attenborough or have Johnson declare himself God King Emperor for life, I'm not sure how they can top that.
Theresa May speaks against the Gov'ts Overseas Aid Cuts
"Fewer girls will be educated, more girls and boys will become slaves, more children will go hungry, and more of poorest people in world will die.”
Reports that JRM was seen wanking during this part of the speech are, as yet, unconfirmed.

Reflect, gentle reader.
The author of the Hostile environment.
A leader so repellent that she caused magnets to fail on a conference centre wall.
Is now among the 24 most reasonable of a parliamentary party of 363.
That's top 7%.
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:32 pm

What's this about and how is it significant?
I don't know- so long ago, I expect Chris Cook himself has forgotten. But indicative of the way they do business, I suspect.

Cook has experience of this sort of thing. He exposed the Mrs Blurt email and if they didn't pull this exact stunt on him, he was in danger of growing roots before the DfE replied properly.
Bones McCoy wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:32 pm

What's this about and how is it significant?
I have no idea what it's about, but it is significant because there are very strict rules concerning dealing with FOI requests, and civil servants will be disciplined or even sacked if they don't have a very good reason for not responding in a timely manner. The fact that there have been no reports of such disciplinary action strongly suggests the question was one the Tories didn't like the look of, and the order was given to bury it until the true response could no longer do any serious damage to the Department, and through that, the Minister, of which the question was asked.

I would *love* to know what that question was, and of whom it was asked.
kreuzberger wrote: Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:18 pm Advisors advise etc etc
The story told by John O'Farrell about campaigning against May in 2001 suggests someone who was very much driven by what she was told would work. Whatever her personal instincts may have been, ministers are largely cut off from "the people" - everything is by briefing, and advisors choose what the minister hears. If you're advised that the choice is between A and B, you may not even realise that C is an option too.

Also, like Ed Miliband and John Major, I think there's a certain amount of "fuck it, I'll say what I think, I've gone as high as I can, everything after that is a bonus" going on. After all, as O'Farrell noted, she's MP for Maidenhead. Good luck shifting her.
Tory MP booed out of a school in Thurrock for being a racist. Oh man, what a week.
The mum, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: "It was part of a question and answer session with the children - half of who are black - and there was a question from someone who asked what do you think of Black Lives Matter and she said she didn't believe in it.

"She also said she doesn't support taking the knee because it defunds the police.

"The kids were in uproar. They had to be sent back to their room and she was asked to leave.

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/ ... l-24544450
Talk about not reading the room...

Well actually, why would she have thought it was necessary? They're just kids after all, and can't vote. And she probably viewed it as a bit like going on GMTV - repeat the line enough times and run down the clock. Get out alive and collect a sticker.
And those in year 13 within touching distance of getting to vote
Forgive me for being stupid here, but this
...taking the knee...defunds the police.
makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I can only assume that either oil-price is in an alternative reality so far removed from our own we're only getting garbled echoes of what she's actually saying, or she has accidentally let slip that Patel is slashing a few grand off the Policing budget every time she sees someone taking the knee.
I wonder what happened to the rule that political addresses were not allowed in schools? *

I suppose if you are Lord Harris of Carpetright the rules are different.

*Sixth forms are different, but there should be balance.
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